Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the University. The Board has the full power and legal authority to do all things deemed necessary and expedient in the governance, management, and control of the business and affairs of the University. Some of the Board’s responsibilities include determining and defining the mission and goals of the University; establishing, reviewing and approving major changes in the University’s educational programming; and approving and authorizing all earned degrees upon recommendation of the President and the faculty. The Board delegates certain responsibilities to the President and various administrative officers of the University.

University Faculty
The University faculty is the legislative body in matters pertaining to the admission, registration, instruction, and discipline of students and in matters related to academic procedures and educational policies. All legislation of the faculty is subject to the approval of the board of trustees. Abstracts of the minutes of the faculty are sent to the board of trustees. The faculty may delegate any of its responsibilities to an officer of the University, to a committee, or to any other group. The University faculty, acting with the approval of the board of trustees, grants all degrees conferred by the University.

The Student Senate
Established in the spring of 1988, the Student Senate provides an opportunity for students to discuss and express their views on student issues and to make recommendations or pass resolutions on these matters. The Senate has responsibility for the allocation of funds to student organizations as well as the recognition of student organizations. Forty-five senators are elected based upon living group by the undergraduate student body. Elections are held in the late spring for upperclassmen and in September for freshmen. Responsibilities, such as selecting student representatives to the Board of Trustees and to certain faculty committees are the province of Student Senate or the Graduate Student Senate.

Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) serves as the representing body of the graduate student community in all matters pertinent to the graduate programs and graduate student life. Their mission is to act as a liaison between graduate students and administrative bodies, as well as encourage social interaction and communication among graduate students. The council is run entirely by students. The graduate student office is located in the Christmas-Saucon. Meetings are held in the Catacombs, in the basement of the Packer Church.

Faculty Committees
The University has faculty committees that are standing committees of the faculty. Unless instructed otherwise, applications for student membership on most committees should be referred to the chairperson of the committee. Description of the committees can be found in the Rules and Procedures of the Faculty on the Provost’s Office website: