As Lehigh University is a recipient of federal funds, any program or activity at the University must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. The following information related to accessibility issues should be considered before planning a university-sponsored event:

  • Make every effort to locate your event in an accessible location. (Note: If you do not hold your event at an accessible location and an individual shows up using a wheelchair or assistive mobility device, you are required by law to accommodate him/her.)
  • Consult with Facilities Services (610-758-3970) or check the university campus map website to determine accessibility and entrance routes for individuals who use wheelchairs.
  • You may determine wheelchair accessibility by referencing the university campus calendar and the corresponding room/building information that is available. A listing of buildings/spaces with wheelchair accessibility information may be obtained at the following website:
      •   PLEASE NOTE: University buildings which are designated as “wheelchair accessible” are noted as such only when there are also wheelchair accessible bathrooms within the same building. We do not consider rooms as wheelchair accessible if the building itself has accessibility issues.
  • Design all advertisements to include a disability statement so that individuals with disabilities can request program accommodations and dietary needs at least three weeks prior to the event. An example of the statement follows:
    • “ Lehigh University is committed to ensuring that no individual with a disability is excluded, or denied access because of the absence of auxiliary aids or services. If you plan to request specific dietary needs, or programmatic accommodations, (sign language interpreter, alternate format for print information), please contact the program coordinator with your requested accommodations prior to the event (three weeks in advance is suggested). If you use a wheelchair or other mobility assistive device, please notify the program coordinator prior to the event (three weeks in advance is suggested).
  • Reserve seating in the front of the venue for persons who might have visual or auditory limitations.
  • If a sign language interpreter is requested, please contact the Office of Academic Support Services for Students with Disabilities at 610-758-4152 for a list of local sign language interpreters. This list is provided by the PA Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (Note: It is the responsibility of the sponsoring university department to provide the funding for these services.)
  • If alternate form handouts are requested (Braille, large print or audio version), please contact the Office of Academic Support Services for Students with Disabilities at 610-758-4152. (Note: It is the responsibility of the sponsoring university department to provide the funding for these services.)
  • It is important to become familiar with the accessibility features of the building in which your event is located. Information about accessible parking, entrances, and convenient pathways to buildings, can be found at: www. (site under construction).
  • For information on wheelchair accessible transportation, contact Transportation Services at 610-758-4410.