Family Frequently Asked Questions

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Family Field Guide Cover 2023-2024

The Family Field Guide is intended to assist you and your student with the transition to Lehigh, placing special emphasis on the services available to your student. It will enable you to advise them as they navigate the complexities of the first year college experience. You will learn about student support services, from academic support and career counseling to student involvement and battling homesickness. In addition, we will introduce you to the Bethlehem community with history of the area, places to stay, where to eat, and things to do while you are here in the Lehigh Valley. 

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Questions Answered

How do I learn about campus resources to help my student?

The summer webinar series will occur throughout the summer starting in June. It will be a virtual series to introduce families to a variety of campus resources, provide support on discussions that may be helpful before students’ arrival, and to introduce campus partners and administrators who will be instrumental in a student’s transition and success. The schedule will be released later in May on the website and through email.


When is Move-In Day?

New first-year students move-in on Thursday, August 22, 2024. Some students may arrive early for some of our pre-arrival programs. International students and LUSSI students move in on Sunday, August 18. PreLUsion, ROTC, and Marching97 students move in on Monday, August 19. Athletes not in season will arrive on Wednesday, August 21. Fall season athletes should defer to their coaches for their move-in date.

Is there a Family Orientation?

Yes, there will be a one day Family Orientation where parents and families will have a chance to learn about a variety of services, offices, and resources to help your student's transition to Lehigh and meet university staff. More information will be available this summer.

Monday, August 19—Ideal for families of students participating in the Marching Band, a preLUsion program, LUSSI, ROTC or International Student Orientation

Thursday, August 22—This program is open to all families

The Monday Orientation will contain the same sessions and content, so there is no need to come back later in the week!

When will students say goodbye to their families?

We encourage family members to stay through the Family Orientation program on Thursday, August 22, and then depart for home since the students have a very busy schedule for the next few days. Say your goodbyes around 2pm before they meet their Orientation group at the Orientation Kick-Off.

Is there a Family Orientation if my student is participating in preLUsion?

Yes! We have a Family Orientation scheduled for Monday, August 19, 2024 for those families who are dropping their student off early for preLUsion. The Monday Orientation will contain the same sessions and content as Thursday's Orientation. Your student will start their preLUsion program at 12:00 PM and will be busy the next 3 days, so you will say goodbye to them then.

I have so many more questions!

Please check out our main FAQ page that is not specific to families.