Read through our LAD Funding Guidelines. Once you're feeling ready to submit, follow the LAD Funding Application below!

LAD Funding Guidelines

All undergraduate students and student groups are eligible to apply for Lehigh After Dark funds. There is a preference for student groups who work with other groups, such as other undergraduate student organizations, academic departments, and administrative offices to co-sponsor events. You must have a Lehigh University account number to receive funding. 

Particular consideration will be given to applications that demonstrate the following:

  • New and fresh activities
  • Co-sponsorship – that is, sponsored by more than one student organization or group, University academic department, or University administrative office. Evidence of new partnerships will be evaluated favorably. Each partner must identify its role and responsibilities as a co-sponsor for the activity.
  • Cost-sharing. Lehigh After Dark funds are meant to supplement the activity, not serve as the entire funding source.

Particular consideration will be given to applications that demonstrate the following:

  • New and fresh activities
  • Co-sponsorship – that is, sponsored by more than one student organization or group, University academic department, or University administrative office. Evidence of new partnerships will be evaluated favorably. Each partner must identify its role and responsibilities as a co-sponsor for the activity.
  • Cost-sharing. Lehigh After Dark funds are meant to supplement the activity, not serve as the entire funding source.

Applications must meet the following minimum criteria.

  • Activities must be open to all Lehigh students.
  • Activities must be held on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night. LAD events are typically held at night between the hours of 10:00PM and 2:00AM. Events that start earlier in the evening and end before midnight will be considered if the adjusted time period would benefit the campus community or is being necessitated by partnership constraints.
  • Activities may start at any time, but must end at or after midnight. Events held within the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. will be given preference.
  • Activities must be no or low-cost to attendees.
  • Activities must be actively promoted to all students beginning at least two weeks prior to the event date. (Promotional giveaways and templates are available to assist with organizations getting the word out about their event).
  • "Active promotion" of a "Lehigh After Dark" activity must include posting the activity on the Lehigh Events Calendar under the "Lehigh After Dark" programming category and a minimum of two of the following promotional methods:
    • Digital information boards
    • One form of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) re-posting any @LehighAfterDark posts.
    • Posters
    • Daily announcements
  • All promotional materials must use the Lehigh After Dark logo, as well as say "supported by Lehigh After Dark."
  • If the event is held off campus, the sponsoring group must indicate how transportation will be provided. The Lehigh after Dark Funding Committee can provide assistance as needed.
  • The sponsoring organization must identify any risks associated with the activity and describe in detail the actions planned to mitigate the risk.

IMPORTANT: The successful applicant must agree to the following:

  • Track attendance of all attendees at the activity using a card swipe data collection device. Organizations should designate an individual who will work with the Lehigh After Dark to implement the card swipe attendance tracking procedures during the activity.
  • Return the card swipe device following the completion of the event. You will NOT receive funding if this step is not completed. 


Lehigh After Dark activity funds CANNOT be used for:

  • Activities where alcohol is present.
  • Fundraisers that directly support the sponsor. A suggested donation at the door is acceptable provided the raised funds will be directed toward a charity or philanthropy.
  • Activities scheduled during the winter and summer break.
  • Annual activities that typically are funded by other campus funding sources.


Applications must be submitted using our online application process

To ensure groups have enough time to plan their events, the Lehigh After Dark Operations Committee will only consider applications in which the event start date is more than two weeks away from the deadline. 


The Lehigh After Dark Funding Committee will transfer all awarded funds to the sponsor's account after:

  • the activity is complete
  • the card swipe device returned
  • and the attendance data is submitted

Please note: Your organization will NOT receive funding if you do not track attendance and return the attendance data collected on the swipe card devices. The Funding Committee will answer any and all questions related to the implementation of the swipe card devices so that your organization can be in compliance.

Depending upon the amount requested and the nature of the event, the Committee may make an exception and provide funds in advance. Any unused funds must be returned.

The Lehigh After Dark Funding Committee will transfer all awarded funds to the sponsor's account after the activity is complete, the card swipe device returned, and the attendance data is submitted.

Please note: Your organization will NOT receive funding if you do not track attendance and return the attendance data collected on the swipe card devices. The Funding Committee will answer any and all questions related to the implementation of the swipe card devices so that your organization can be in compliance.

Depending upon the amount requested and the nature of the event, the Committee may make an exception and provide funds in advance. Any unused funds must be returned.

When advertising, promoting, or otherwise referencing Lehigh After Dark or Lehigh After Dark sponsored event, use the official Lehigh After Dark logos which are available for download.

Host a LAD Event