Step UP! is a university-wide initiative to promote the idea that members of the Lehigh community have the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs to prevent high-risk behavior and harm. In support of fostering a healthy and safe community, Step UP! builds on the existing expertise of campus centers and departments at Lehigh University and unifies these with consistent messaging and content to increase students':
prosocial behavior (i.e., acts performed with the goal of benefiting another person) and;
motivation and confidence to help others in problematic or potentially problematic situations rather than to be a passive observer, or to assume someone else will help.
This means that while the issue or type of harm may vary in context, the promotion of intervention, the action steps, potential barriers and many resources will be consistent across issue areas. Having reinforcement via multiple campus partners will hopefully increase the odds of a Lehigh student intervening to prevent harm as well as create a culture of caring for each other's well-being. It is an expectation of the Lehigh community to assist in a time of need and we believe that intervening when others need assistance or are in a situation that may lead to a crisis or need for help.
Student Affairs Key Initiatives
Bystander Intervention (Prosocial behavior)
“Bystanding” during a crisis or when a student needs assistance is not a viable option once students sign on for community membership. We will work across all departments to design and implement a comprehensive set of efforts to increase students’ prosocial behavior (i.e., acts performed with the goal of benefiting another person) and to increase students’ motivation and confidence to help others in problematic or potentially problematic situations rather than to be a passive observer, or to assume someone else will help.