Bookmark inserts for all standard Title IX/Gender Violence brochures, created in consultation with OMA, the Pride Center, and OIA, for students of color, LGBTQ+ students, and international students.

The gender violence support Advocates are trained by OMA and the Pride Center. In addition, as part of their monthly professional development and continuing education, they attend conversations/workshops/trainings hosted by OMA, the Pride Center, CGE, and OIA. Per the suggestion of the aforementioned offices, the Advocates have meetings in those spaces and attend events in those spaces so that they can be visible and interact with students.

Break the Silence peer educators (BTS) are also trained by OMA and SPEAK (the Pride Center peer educators). They also receive continuing education on diversity and inclusion at their weekly meetings. BTS has historically been comprised of white cis-gendered women so over the last several years, we have changed our recruiting and application process to help ensure BTS is more diverse.

"Define it!" gender violence prevention program addresses gender based violence among LGBTQ+ students. The program is co-facilitated with SPEAK and the Resistance Lab.

"The Color of Violence" addresses gender based violence for students of color, co-facilitated by OMA. This past fall, a WGSS intern worked with GVES to expand this program and offered a follow up workshop "Hear Their Stories, Learn Their Stories" that looked specifically at the history of gender based violence against women of color in the US and the barriers it has created to reporting.

GVES, BTS, and the Advocates consistently partner with all the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity offices on programs and events.

All of our programs, workshops, and trainings address how gender violence is impacted by the intersection of identities. For example, our orientation program includes stats on LGBTQ+ gender violence, as well as addresses language barriers for international students.

Many of these are the result of suggestions by students, faculty, and staff so any feedback and recommendations are welcomed and appreciated.