Leadership Quest- An 8 week program designed for first-year students to teach them about the foundational theories of leadership theory and the framework of social justice and advocacy (semesterly)

Weekend Bus Shuttle - held every Saturday- allows students without a car or transportation to have free travel to the Lehigh Valley Mall and Walmart (weekly)

 LU Legacy Accreditation Program - consists of a partnership between our office and OMA to help develop the Council of Cultural Organizations (i.e Black Student Union, Latinx Student Alliance, Asian Cultural Society, etc) in their journey to higher performance as a club, membership retention, and mission-driven work (annually)

Dance Fest - partnership with OMA to highlight the diverse array of dance groups on campus from Latin Dance, African Renaissance, Belly Dancing club and many more (annually)

Industrial Systems Engineering Leadership Course - partnership with the ISE department to co-teach Leadership course that exposes students to topics on diversity and inclusion, equity, inclusive leadership, emotional intelligence and implicit bias (semesterly)

Leadership Library - consists of books ranging from topics centered on leadership, diversity, equity, and social justice (ongoing)

Guest Speaker Series - 2019-20 included Dylan Marron, who shared experiences as Queer Person of Color and his experiences with hate online (semesterly)

Student Staff training covers topics such as understanding different personality types, inclusive leadership, and identity development (ongoing)

Student Senate - Diversity and Inclusion/South Bethlehem Committees receives support from staff within office to target areas for programming and impacting institutional change (ongoing)