At Lehigh, we take a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing that well-being is multidimensional and intersectional in nature, and includes not just surviving through college, but engaging in meaningful activity in areas of your life that matter most to you, to encourage flourishing during your time at Lehigh and beyond. As well-being is a highly individualized concept, we want to remind you that what matters most to you in your life may look different than the person next to you, and that’s okay. We also recognize that living well is not a task to be achieved and crossed off your to-do list, but rather an ongoing, active process that guides us in our most basic daily decisions, from the classes we take to brushing our teeth, and everything in between. 

Because we know that there is a symbiotic relationship between various dimensions of well-being, we recognize that the following resources are not meant to be an exhaustive or definitive list of all resources, services, and programs at Lehigh that will help you feel better, but instead a broad overview of the array of resources that Lehigh has in place to actively support living well. 

We invite you to click on the dimensions below to explore some resources specific to that area of functioning, and recognize that some resources may appear on multiple pages as they serve a wide range of student needs. Additionally, you can find an updated list of currently offered wellness-related events on Lehigh’s campus.

Dimensions of Well-being

Emotional Well-Being supports our mental health needs as we navigate a myriad of developmental  and age appropriate challenges.  

The Care Team is an interdisciplinary group of campus professionals who monitor and provide early intervention and assistance to students whose circumstances or behaviors are concerning. The Care Team meets regularly to evaluate incoming information and create proactive intervention plans for students at risk. To submit a Student Concerns Report ( concerns).

University Counseling & Psychological Services (UCPS) offers individual and group sessions, workshops, and crisis support regarding a multitude of issues such as anxiety, depression, social anxiety, stress, addiction, etc. The MySSP program is a remote, confidential, and free mental health service that will be available to all LU students 24/7 365. Students can utilize the after-hours Counseling Service as well.

Student Support and Case Management provides early identification, intervention, and response to students at risk for academic and personal decline.Individualized outreach and support plans that address identified concerns and promote student well-being and success.

Headspace is available at no cost to students with hundreds of meditation, mindfulness, productivity, and sleep exercises. Students can sign up at

Intellectual Well-Being supports our academic development and success by providing opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom.  

Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides a range of tutoring, study skill assistance and coaching services to undergraduate students to help them reach their full academic potential.

Disability Support Services (DSS) provides an array of support services to students who self-identify with disabilities to remove barriers and to ensure equal access to full participation in University life.

The Office of First Year Experience provides support and resources for the academic and social transition of new students and their families. The Graduate Life Office (GLO) exists to enhance the academic, personal, and professional development of Lehigh graduate students through providing a range of programs, activities, events, and workshops, while also creating a community of graduate students. For academic assistance specific to Graduate Students, contact Kathleen Hutnik, Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education.

Lehigh University Art Gallery (LUAG) strives to be an essential, integrated, and innovative participant in the intellectual and cultural life of Lehigh University; a convener that enhances the quality of life for campus and community; a leader amongacademic art museums; and a destination for a diverse range of visitors from the Lehigh Valley and beyond.

The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) supports international students and scholars, provides immigration advising and support services to help international students succeed, cultivates international partnerships, helps students and faculty travel abroad and overseas areas like the Iacocca Institute and the Lehigh University-United Nations Partnership.

The Writing & Math Center assists students in building academic skills and work habits needed for success.

Environmental Well-Being includes our understanding of the connection between ourselves and the environments in which we live

Financial Well-Being includes our understanding of our financial circumstances, learning to make decisions based on those circumstances and the ability to manage finances.

Occupational Well-Being is fostered by choosing our studies of interest, participating in volunteer opportunities that  help prepare for our life after Lehigh.   

Physical Well-Being provides opportunities to nurture the  health and well-being of our body through movement,  connection to the environment and to one another. 

Sexual Well-Being provides support for the understanding  of sexual health, identity and gender equity. This includes support for survivors of sexual violence, opportunity to understand and express who you are, and exploration of healthy sexual relationships.  



Social Well-Being promotes a sense of community  and provides ways to connect with one another. All social activities and spaces strive to build a safe and  healthy community.

Spiritual Well-Being is influenced by how closely we are living in alignment with our values, purpose and beliefs

As a faculty or staff member at Lehigh, you play a crucial role in promoting the well-being of our students — even in situations where it might not seem like student well-being is your primary responsibility or part of your immediate job responsibilities. By learning more about the challenges our students face and by identifying actions you can take to support them, you will contribute to the important work of making Lehigh a place where all of our students thrive. Thank you for taking the time to engage with this resource — it’s a great way to get started.

Ric Hall, Vice President for Student Affairs

Jackie Krasas, Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs

Greg Reihman, Vice Provost for LTS & Director, CITL