Creating your Personal bLUeprint

Looking to create your personal bLUeprint? Guiding questions will help you think about your experiences, your learning, and your future. Don’t worry about coloring outside the lines - innovation and creativity is the whole point!

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Creating an Organization bLUeprint

Looking to create a bLUeprint with your team, group or organization? This resource provides helpful tips and guiding questions for that process. Don’t forget to have individuals connect their personal bLUeprints toward your organization's goals and plans!

Click Here

5 Foundations Poster

You will find these posters all across campus and in faculty and staff offices as we hope you'll continue to explore the 5 Foundations and see the connections to your various experiences on campus.

Draft Book

The Draft Book is a helpful bLUeprint tool to encourage learning in the 5 Foundations. It is specifically designed for first-year students, but all are welcome to download and use.

bLUeprint Reflection

bLUeprint is meant to encourage those moments of pause and reflection. Share your thoughts and make meaning of your experiences for a variety of incentives throughout the year!