Time Management

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Learning experts say that a successful college student will spend 2-3 hours studying outside of class for every hour in class.  That means, if you have a 15 credit semester, you might need to schedule 30-45 hours a week to study.  Between social commitments, extracurriculars and self care, this can feel daunting.  However, a little planning can help you achieve your time management goals!  Please watch all videos and complete the time management activities.  When you are done, complete the brief post test.  

How well do you manage your time?

General Time management tips

Fixed commitment calendar

Complete a fixed commitment calendar.  Be honest about how you expect to use your time.  Remember to include around 2-3 hours of study for every hour you spend in class.  Then, keep track of how you spend your time.  How does it match up with your plan?

Blank Fixed Commitment Calendar


Lots of college students struggle with procrastination despite the stress it inevitably causes.  Watch these videos below for more on the science behind procrastination and strategies to beat it!

The Science of Procrastination and How to Manage it

Procrastination TedTalk

Take the Post Test