The student organization experience at Lehigh University provides students with personal skill development opportunities, a way to explore interests and hobbies, and the ability to actively contribute to the campus social environment. As members of the Lehigh University community you are all expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct including the section regarding hazing. Hazing is not tolerated at Lehigh University, and will result in the loss of participation privileges.
At A Glance
of Lehigh students participating in student organizations report experiencing behaviors meeting the definition of hazing
* Other than fraternities, sororities, and athletics
of Lehigh students participating in these groups believe that hazing is not an effective way to initiate new team members
of Lehigh students participating in these groups believe that they do not need to be hazed in order to feel like they belong to an organization
Read Lehigh University’s Hazing Assessment Analysis (PDF)
What is Hazing?
Lehigh University defines hazing as
Any action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
Hazing: Common Factors
- Power differential between those in a group and those who want to join a group, or between senior and junior members of a group
- Intentional initiation rite, practice or ‘tradition’ involved
- Willingness to participate does not absolve responsibility for either party
Learn more about hazing activities and their consequences >
Hazing Hurts
Generally, individuals within chapters with hazing cultures, regardless of age or status, have the same incorrect perceptions when asked about hazing practices:
- “It’s tradition”
- “No one will get hurt”
- “It’s funny – what’s the problem?”
- “They like it; they said it was okay”
- “It’s okay if they don’t complain”
- “It helps build team cohesiveness and unity”
- “I went through it, it’s a rite of passage”
Remember and consider – Hazing Hurts.
Source: Adapted from My Journey from Being Hazed, to Being an Enthusiastic Hazer, to Stopping Hazing.
Hazing in New Member Education
Hazing Does Not Achieve
- Discipline
- Bonding or togetherness
- Group strength
- Respect for members
- Better performance in any activity
Hazing Creates
- Distrust and anger
- A power trip for the perpetrator
- Humiliation
- Abuse
- Victimization
- Injuries and sometimes even death
If your chapter has a hazing problem, please consider being a leader who stands up, says “No more” and stops the hazing. Your chapter will become a better place because of your actions.
Source: Adapted from Audio Conference, 2006 and My Journey from Being Hazed, to Being an Enthusiastic Hazer, to Stopping Hazing.