Ranger Challenge Team

Often described as the "varsity sport" of ROTC, the annual Ranger Challenge is a high-intensity, inter-school competition that includes testing military skills, and a myriad of other physical and team-oriented events.

Schools within the Brigade send teams comprised of some of their best cadets to vie for the Commander's Trophy at Fort Dix, NJ every Fall.

Participation on the team is open to male and female cadets. The training is fast-paced and rigorous, but provides a tremendous opportunity for personal growth, leadership development and camaraderie.

Color Guard

As a member of the Color Guard, you become a visible spokesperson for Army ROTC. The Color Guard performs formal drill and ceremony activities as part of University and community events. Members of the Color Guard present the United States flag before all home football games along with other traditional presentations.

The Color Guard is optional to join and student run by an elected Color Sergeant, who is typically a junior.