Individual Program Requests

Contact the Office of Survivor Support and Intimacy Education at 610-758-1303 or to schedule a program. Learning more about healthy sexuality can help to prevent gender violence. Topics include:

Intimacy and Aphrodisiacs: Learn how intimacy can benefit and improve relationships, how to use all 5 senses, and concrete skills and activities to increase intimacy such as, aphrodisiac foods that increase sexual arousal.

Anatomy and Orgasm: In this introductory workshop learn about basic human sexual anatomy and the physiology behind orgasm, as well as current research and tips.. You’ll be surprised how much you learn!

Sexuality Myth Busters: Bust or confirm many common sex myths.

Sex Toys and BDSM: Learn about different types of sex toys, how to use them safely and how they can enhance relationships. This workshop specifically includes Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadomasochism and Masochism toys and how to tell the difference between these safe, sane and consensual behaviors and gender violence.

Break the Silence Preventing Gender Violence Through Healthy Sexuality Education (GV 101): Learn gender violence statistics and definitions, consent rules, sexuality 101, bystander intervention skills, risk reduction techniques, and reporting and resource options. This presentation is LGBT+ inclusive.

One Love's Escalation Workshop: Escalation is a film that honestly and compellingly tells the story of an abusive relationship –– from its sweet beginnings to the tragic end. The authentic depiction of unhealthy behavior escalating into violence helps you understand and recognize the early signs of relationship abuse. The 40-minute screening is followed by a guided discussion.

Brining in the Bystander: This is an in-person educational program that encourages participants to become positive bystanders in instances of sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. Participants learn to identify problem situations; they also learn practical skills for safe and effective intervention.

Don't see anything you like? We can work with you to create a custom program to fit your unique needs.