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What is Project RISE? (Reflect-Identify-Strategize-Elevate)

Project RISE is a program designed by the Office of Academic Transitions to help first year students

who have earned less than a 2.0 GPA during their first term at Lehigh. Students who participate will

receive individualized academic coaching support through one-on-one meetings, workshops and access

to online tools. Topics may include but are not limited to:



Goal SettingNavigating Personal Concerns
Time ManagementReferrals to Key Resources
Study Skills & StrategiesPreparation


      Benefits of Academic Coaching through Project RISE

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In a Spring 2024 survey of those who experienced academic struggles, 65% of students believed 1:1 meetings were the most valuable way to receive information regarding academic support and success.  Students also shared that study skills (72%) and time management (77%) were important for future success!  

Academic Coaching is Distince From Advising 

While academic advising focuses on academic planning, course selection and policies that impact the completion of your degree, academic coaching focuses on establishing the personal habits and practices that contribute to your academic success. 

"Don't be afraid to look for help-it may seem like an embarrassing situation, but everyone is there to support and make sure that you are success." [undergraduate student, Spring 2024]

"Ask for help as early as possible." [undergraduate student, Spring 2024]

Learning Outcomes for Project RISE

As a result of participating in Project RISE, students will:

  • Reflect:
    • Deepen their awareness and understanding of their academic skill set.
    • Understand the personal and academic factors that contributed to their academic performance.
  • Identify:
    • Identify SMART goals that will contribute to their overall success at Lehigh.
    • Be able to identify resources to support their success.
    • Understand and plan for potential obstancles to success.
  • Strategize:
    • Develop a plan for success integrating existing skill set and resources to overcome obstacles and encourage academic growth.
  • Elevate:
    • Students will gain greater understanding and confidence in their academic self regulation skills and will demonstrate academic improvement to advance them toward timely graduation.



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