The Lehigh University Disciplinary Process

Lehigh University has developed a fundamentally fair process for resolving student conduct matters. The process is based in education and protects the accused student and the community. The process is described in Article VIII of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. Below are resources and additional information concerning the process for students. Information for organizational (corporate conduct) can be found here:

The Lehigh University Conduct System requires that all participants provide honest information.


Disciplinary Conferences

Disciplinary Conferences are hearings held before one person (a member of the Dean of Students Office). Prior to a Disciplinary Conference, a student has opportunity to have a Pre-Conference Meeting with a member of the Dean of Students Office to help prepare the student for the Conference. It is the student's responsibility to schedule and attend the Pre-Conference meeting. Failure to do so does not constitute a violation of the process.

Pre-Conference Checklist

Disciplinary Conferences follow a format that provides structure to the gathering of information and decision making.


University Committee on Discipline Hearing

Students, Faculty, and Staff members make up the University Committee on Discipline (The U.C.O.D.). Hearings are held before five members of the committee. Two faculty members, two students, and one staff member. Prior to a U.C.O.D. Hearing, a student has opportunity to have a Pre-Hearing Meeting with a member of the Dean of Students Office to help prepare the student for the Conference. It is the student's responsibility to schedule and attend the Pre-Hearing meeting. Failure to do so does not constitute a violation of the process.

Pre-Hearing Checklist

U.C.O.D. Hearings follow a format that provides structure to the gathering of information and decision making.


Academic Integrity Conferences

In cases in which a student accepts responsibility for academic integrity violations, the matter is resolved via an Academic Integrity Conference. In these cases members of the University Committee on Discipline (One faculty member and one student) and the University Conduct Officer will meet with the student, the instructor, and any witnesses and determine appropriate outcomes. Prior to an Academic Integrity Conference, a student has opportunity to have a Pre-Conference Meeting with a member of the Dean of Students Office to help prepare the student for the Conference. It is the student's responsibility to schedule and attend the Pre-Conference meeting. Failure to do so does not constitute a violation of the process.

Pre-Hearing Checklist

Academic Integrity Conferences follow a format that provides structure to the gathering of information and decision making.


Sanction Only Hearings

Article X, Section IV, part G. of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct, states that In cases in which a respondent or respondent organization accepts responsibility for all of the allegations in a particular case, the Conduct Officer may convene a three member panel of the University Committee on Discipline to develop and impose sanctions.  The panel will comprise one student member, one faculty member, and one other member of the University Committee on Discipline.

Appeals Process

Students who are found responsible for violations of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct (and in cases of sexual misconduct or harassment, the victim), have the ability to appeal their decision through the disciplinary appeals process. The appeals process is described in detail in Article IX of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. Appeals are due three business days from the date of the outcome letter no late appeals will be accepted. Appeals can be filed in the Office of Student Conduct & Community Expectations (UC 210) or online using this form.

Additional information on the Disciplinary Appeals Process.

Serving as a witness

If you are called as a witness in any disciplinary matter, you are required to provide complete and honest information to the conduct officer, hearing officer, or hearing panel. Failure to appear, or to provide complete and honest information may result in disciplinary action being taken against the witness.