a.    The health and safety of members of the Lehigh University community is a primary concern.
b.    Students need to seek immediate medical attention for themselves or others when someone’s health and/or safety is at risk.
c.    Students may be reluctant to seek assistance for themselves or someone else for fear of facing action from the Office of Student Conduct.
d.    Lehigh University seeks to remove barriers that prevent students from seeking the medical attention they need.


Note:  This Policy only provides amnesty from violations of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. It does not grant amnesty for criminal, civil, or legal consequences for violations of Federal, State, or Local law.

a.    Students who seek emergency medical attention for themselves related to consumption of drugs or alcohol will not be charged with violations of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct related to that consumption (specifically: Art III, Section V., A,B,C,D), provided that the student subsequently completes an evaluation and any recommended treatment at the University Counseling and Psychological Services center within a reasonable time frame to be determined by the Office of Student Conduct. Failure to complete this evaluation/treatment may result in charges being filed with the Office of Student Conduct.

b.    Students who seek emergency medical attention for someone else will not be charged with violations of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct related to consumption of alcohol or drugs (specifically: Art III, Section V., A,B,C,D), or intoxication, provided that the student subsequently completes an evaluation and any recommended treatment at the University Counseling and Psychological Services center within a reasonable time frame if determined necessary by the Office of Student Conduct.

c, Lehigh University considers the reporting of alleged sexual misconduct to be of great importance to our campus community. To encourage reporting, students reporting alleged sexual misconduct or gender violence may be granted immunity from student conduct charges for possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs (specifically: Art. III, Section V., A, B, C, D) related to the alleged misconduct. The nature and scope of immunity will be at the discretion of the Conduct Officer.

d.    Student Organizations are required to seek immediate medical assistance for their members or guests when any potential health risk is observed, including medical emergencies related to the use of alcohol and/or drugs.  A Student Organization that seeks immediate assistance from appropriate sources will not be charged with violations of the Lehigh University Social Policy or the Code of Conduct related to providing alcohol, providing that the organization completes any educational programming required by the Office of Student Conduct and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. However, the organization can and will be held accountable for any other violations of the Code of Conduct related to the incident (e.g. endangering the health or safety of others, covered smoke detectors, etc.).  Student Organizations that fail to seek immediate medical assistance for members or guests in need of attention will likely be charged with violations of the Code of Conduct and  face dissolution or termination as the outcome of such charges. It is imperative that student organizations seek medical assistance for their members or guests in such an emergency situation.

e.    This Policy applies only to those students or organizations who seek emergency medical assistance in connection with an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency and does not apply to individuals experiencing an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency who are found by University employees. (i.e. University Police, Faculty, administrative staff, residence hall staff including gryphons)

f.    The Lehigh University Medical Amnesty Policy is not intended to shield or protect those students or organizations that repeatedly violate the Code of Conduct. In cases where repeated violations of the Lehigh University Code of Conduct occur, the University reserves the right to take judicial action on a case by case basis regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported. Additionally the University reserves the right to adjudicate any case in which the violations are egregious.

g.    The Office of Student Conduct reserves the right to contact any student to discuss an incident whether or not the Lehigh University Medical Amnesty Policy is in effect.