The Office of Student Conduct & Community Expectations is responsible for maintaining all student disciplinary records. For more information concerning retention and reporting of these records click here.
A student's disciplinary record can have an impact on their academic career in a variety of ways. Below is a non-exhaustive list:
Students who are on Disciplinary Probation or Disciplinary Deferred Suspension may not Study Abroad, Apply to Study Abroad or participate in any international experience affiliated with the University.
Students who are found responsible for a "Serious Offense with Alcohol or Drugs" will be prohibited from affiliating with a fraternity or sorority during the semester of or the semester immediately following the violation.
Students applying to certain University positions including: Gryphons, Orientation Leaders, members of the University Committee on Discipline / Disciplinary Appeals Committee, Phi Beta Kappa, and others, will have their disciplinary records reviewed and any information will be factored into decisions regarding involvement.
A student who is on disciplinary deferred suspension is ineligible for (a) intercollegiate competition and all other activities publicly representative of the University, (b) major office (elective or appointive) in any University organization, and (c) any other extra-curricular activities. All students, however, must petition to the Office of Student Conduct for exception to this rule in order to participate in any extra-curricular activity.
On July 1, 2017, Lehigh University enacted a disciplinary records expungement policy. Disciplinary records may be expunged if certain stipulations are met. More information on this policy can be found online at: /content/student-records-expungement-policy
A student's disciplinary record may have an impact outside of Lehigh University.
Applications for graduate schools, professional associations and licenses, (BAR exams, Medical Licensure, security clearances, CPA Exams, etc.), and some job applications may require a student to release their disciplinary records. Additionally some institutions will request records via the Dean's Certification Process / Background Check Process. Lehigh University will release this information in accordance with Federal Law, and University Policy. In most cases a student's disciplinary record will not impact these opportunities, but those decisions are made by the requesting institution or organization.