Organization Name

Incident Date & Location



Phi Delta Theta



LUPD found significant amounts of hard alcohol in the party room of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. They co-hosted an event with Alpha Gamma Delta1.Multiple social policy violations including providing hard alcohol, failure to enforce B.Y.O.B. policies, and failure to seek medical attention for a guest who needed it.Alpha Gamma Delta



LUPD found significant amounts of hard alcohol in the party room of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. They co-hosted an event with Phi Delta Theta.1.Multiple social policy violations including providing hard alcohol, failure to enforce B.Y.O.B. policies, and failure to seek medical attention for a guest who needed it.Delta Chi



BPD responded to an off-campus address  as there was a large party that could be heard from over 60 feet from the residence. BPD and LUPD reported that there were cups and beer cans all over the property. Officers spoke to a student who said they were 18 and not a Lehigh student who was intoxicated.  1. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)

The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.







      Phi Sigma Kappa



LUPD found 7 cases of natural Light, 16 bottles of vodka, and 9 cans of lemonade as well as a stand up cooloer. Phi Sigma Kappa had registered a byob event for that night.1. Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations) Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network. 2. Respect for Community A1 (False Information) Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. 3. Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply) Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties. 4. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from January 16, 2023 through July 31, 2023. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters. Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective August 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing. The chapter is prohibited from hosting social events with alcohol on or off campus during the Spring 2023 semester. The chapter is required to develop a meaningful educational program using resources of the National Headquarters, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, Dean Mulvihill, and Dr. Hall. This program should cover the following topics: Risk management, social host training, general alcohol education, member accountability and standards board operation and management Alpha Gamma Delta



LUPD found significant amounts of hard alcohol in the party room of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. They co-hosted an event with Alpha Gamma Delta. During the event a guest needed medical attention and the chapters transported the guest to the hospital instead of seeking medical attention.1. Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations) Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network. 2. Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention) Violation of Part II.d. of the Medical Amnesty Policy which states that student organizations are required to seek medical attention for members or guests when any potential health risk is observed. 3. Respect for Community A1 (False Information) Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. 4. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority is placed on disciplinary probation effective January 16, 2023 through December 24, 2023. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing. The chapter is prohibited from hosting or co-sponsoring any events with alcohol on or off campus Spring 2023 The chapter is required to fully participate in any programming related to alcohol offered by the IHQ. The chapter is required to work with their IHQ on developing or participating in social host training and general alcohol training with 100% participation. You are required to work with the Office of Student Conduct and LUPD to provide training on medical amnesty for 100% of your members. This can be done in conjunction with Phi Delta Theta. Phi Delta Theta



LUPD found significant amounts of hard alcohol in the party room of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. They co-hosted an event with Alpha Gamma Delta. During the event a guest needed medical attention and the chapters transported the guest to the hospital instead of seeking medical attention.1. Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations) Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network. 2. Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention) Violation of Part II.d. of the Medical Amnesty Policy which states that student organizations are required to seek medical attention for members or guests when any potential health risk is observed. 3. Respect for Community A1 (False Information) Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. 4. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.Phi Delta Theta is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from January 16, 2023 through July 31, 2023. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective August 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing. The chapter is prohibited from hosting or co-sponsoring any events with alcohol on or off campus Spring 2023 The chapter is required to fully participate in any programming related to alcohol offered by the IHQ. The chapter is required to work with their IHQ on developing or participating in social host training and general alcohol training with 100% participation. You are required to work with the Office of Student Conduct and LUPD to provide training on medical amnesty for 100% of your members. This can be done in conjunction with Alpha Gamma Delta       Chi Psi



LUPD initiated a traffic stop in the ZAC garage. The student, underage, was in possession of a fake ID, as well as two Natural Light kegs and a box full of Crown Russe Vodka. The student stated he was transporting it from Chi Psi to an off campus location. No Event Notification Forms were submitted regarding an event for this chapter on this night. 1. The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. Specifically, an underage new member of the chapter was caught by LUPD transporting multiple kegs and a case of hard alcohol (Crown Royal) from the on campus chapter off, to an unknown location off campus. 2. Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network. Specifically, hard alcohol is banned on campus, and Chi Psi was in possession of a case of Crown Royal at the on campus chapter house.

This organization are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective September 2, 2022 through December 31, 2022.

The chapter president, the social chairperson, the risk management officer, and any other officers directly involved in managing social events with alcohol are required to meet with a member of the OFSA staff to discuss Chi Psi's current alcohol policy, how social events are managed, and how the chapter manages risk at these types of events on and off campus. It is to be completed by September 30, 2022. For further information please contact
Christopher J. Mulvihill.

 Alpha Tau Omega



LUPD received a report alleging hazing at ATO, specifically related to the "last night of hell week". Upon entering the chapter house, LUPD saw students run towards the east exit door. In the party room, officers found several emptied containers of Icy Hot, which had been spread over the seats of folding chairs which looked like someone had been sitting in them. Behind the house, LUPD found several shovels, along with garbage bags filled with dirt, and alcohol in the trash cans. 1. Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of ConductThe organization's status is hereby Dissolved effective June 14, 2022 through May 31, 2026. Dissolution is the loss of university recognition for a period of time not to exceed 5 years. Dissolution is the loss of privilege to use the university's name or represent it in any capacity. In addition, the group or organization will lose all privileges to use university equipment or facilities. At the end of the dissolution period, the organization shall contact the Dean of Students Office and be required to follow any recognition processes in place at the time. Hearing panels shall impose dissolution for time periods of years, not semesters. Phi Sigma Kappa



Phi Sigma Kappa submitted an accreditation report to OFSA with multiple issues. The report showed a different New Member Education plan from what they had previously submitted to OFSA, including different events, schedules, and outlines. The accreditation report also speaks to an event called "Roast" which would violate both the chapter and the universities hazing policies. Additionally, the report outlines social dues and the chapter paying for events with alcohol with these dues, which the report clearly states are separate from national dues. 1. Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. 2. Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. 3. Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network.Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective May 2, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing. The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter is required to submit a chapter organization plan that covers areas including accreditation, policy / procedure change, financial management, and other areas. This plan must be approved by your alumni organization, your IHQ, and OFSA. It is to be completed by August 15, 2022. The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter is required to provide monthly written updates on their accreditation report to OFSA in February, March, and April 2023 or as otherwise directed by OFSA. Phi Delta Theta



During a housing inspection, staff found multiple bottles of hard alcohol and a keg found near the bar area.Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.       Chi Psi



Staff received an email about poor conditions of Chi Psi chapter house, including raw chicken thrown and sitting on the floor and a general mess. There was also alcohol paraphernalia and a bong scattered around the house.

Respect for Property E1 (Gross Disregard)
The theft, mutilation, destruction, defacing, and/or gross disregard of any Lehigh property.
Respect for Self C1 (Drugs)
The unauthorized or illegal use, distribution, or possession of any controlled substance or illegal drug.
Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)
The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.
Respect for Property A1A (Vandalism)
Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another.
Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply)
Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties.
Chi Psi Fraternity is placed on Disciplinary Probation effective April 13, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
The chapter is required to interview each fraternity and sorority chapter that receives a rating of
"Accredited with Excellence" in the area of Facilities Management for 2021-2022 and an appropriate IFC Officer. From those interviews the chapter is to develop a facilities management plan for your
organization. The plan must be approved by the active brothers, the alumni association, your International Headquarters staff, and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. It is to be completed by August 15, 2022.
The Chapter is required to write a letter of apology to ABM (specifically your cleaning person) and the
Housing Services Staff. This letter must be typed and no less than 250 words in length. The letter must be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Expectations,  via no later than the close of business April 27, 2022. This letter should reflect a keen understanding of the inappropriateness of your actions and the impact that it had on the

 Alpha Tau Omega



Alpha Tau Omega co-hosted an event with Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi, and Alpha Epsilon Pi which violated the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. The event included beer, hard seltzers, and hard alcohol which was provided to attendees. None of the chapters involved took any responsibility for monitoring this event or the alcohol in question, but all four chapters were listed on the Event Notification Form. Specifically, it was reported that Alpha Tau Omega was, in part, responsible for providing the hard alcohol that was served at this event.

Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol)
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is
prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of
alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.)
The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from March 22, 2022 through May 31, 2022.  Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective June 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.  The following educational sanction is being imposed. 90% of the chapter must attend an event with the Peer Health Advisors. This program should be specifically about alcohol and alcohol safety. It is to be completed by April 15, 2022. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor.  It's highly recommended that you connect with OFSA staff to ensure that your chapter is fully aware of the expectations surrounding events with alcohol.

 Alpha Phi



Alpha Epsilon Pi co-hosted an event with Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi, and Alpha Tau Omega which violated the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. The event included beer, hard seltzers, and hard alcohol which was provided to attendees. None of the chapters involved took any responsibility for monitoring this event or the alcohol in question, but all four chapters were listed on the Event Notification Form.Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol) Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.)Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions. The following educational sanction is being imposed. Speak with OFSA and your headquarters staff regarding responsibilities the chapter has when hosting or cohosting events, especially when those are events with alcohol. Kappa Delta



Alpha Epsilon Pi co-hosted an event with Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi, and Alpha Tau Omega which violated the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. The event included beer, hard seltzers, and hard alcohol which was provided to attendees. None of the chapters involved took any responsibility for monitoring this event or the alcohol in question, but all four chapters were listed on the Event Notification Form.Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol) Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.)Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions. The following educational sanction is being imposed. Speak with OFSA and your headquarters staff regarding responsibilities the chapter has when hosting or cohosting events, especially when those are events with alcohol. Alpha Epsilon Pi



Alpha Epsilon Pi co-hosted an event with Kappa Delta, Alpha Phi, and Alpha Tau Omega which violated the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. The event included beer, hard seltzers, and hard alcohol which was provided to attendees. None of the chapters involved took any responsibility for monitoring this event or the alcohol in question, but all four chapters were listed on the Event Notification Form.

Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol) Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions. The following educational sanction is being imposed. Communicate and work with OFSA staff, as well as your alumni and headquarters support staff in order to better understand how to host a responsible event with alcohol. It is to be completed by March 18, 2022. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor. 

Alpha Tau Omega


On Campus


The Gryphon found a student vomiting in the Dravo D4 bathroom. The student stated he had been drinking wine and vodka at the ATO house.



Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention) Violation of Part II.d. of the Medical Amnesty Policy which states that student organizations are required to seek medical attention for members or guests when any potential health risk is observed.



You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective February 23, 2022 through May 31, 2022. Disciplinary Probation is defined as the imposition of a trial period in which students must show that they are willing to live up to the expectations in this Code of Conduct. This trial period may not exceed four semesters. This status implies that further violations of this code may result in disciplinary suspension or expulsion. Other sanctions may be imposed, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement in good standing.

 Alpha Tau Omega



LUPD went to the ATO on campus house after receiving multiple notifications that the door alarms were going off. Upon arriving at the house, LUPD heard people yelling "get out!" and saw dozens of people exiting through the south east exit door. There were clear signs of of an event including the floor being soaking wet, empty beer cans, and empty boxes of Natural Light. The room also smelled strongly of alcohol. 

Respect for Community I1A (Social Policy 1.A.8 - Unregistered Party)
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.A.8 (Any occasion deemed to be an event with alcohol
that has not been registered with the Dean of Students Office will be considered an unregistered social
event and will be subject to disciplinary action. - See the policy for specific definitions).
This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.

 Delta Upsilon



Hosting in-person bid night right now with PNMs.

1. Respect for Community I1A (Social Policy 1.A.8 - Unregistered Party) Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.A.8 (Any occasion deemed to be an event with alcohol that has not been registered with the Dean of Students Office will be considered an unregistered social event and will be subject to disciplinary action. - See the policy for specific definitions).

2. Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations) Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network.

Delta Upsilon Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective February 16, 2022 through May 10, 2022. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.
Delta Upsilon in required to meet with Devore McIntosh in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs and develop an educational program on a topic recommended by Mr. McIntosh. 95% of the chapter must attend the program when it is executed. It is to be completed by April 1, 2022. For further information please contact Christopher J. Mulvihill

 Phi Delta Theta



Right side driveway

LUPD was dispatched to Phi Delta Theta after an LU student reported there was a student throwing up in the grass. The student in the grass reported drinking and smoking marijuana at the fraternity. LUPD walked through the house and noticed a beer pong table set up in the party room and empty beer cans nearby. 1. The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. 2. The unauthorized or illegal use, distribution, or possession of any controlled substance or illegal drug.

Disciplinary Probation effective September 16, 2021 through December 31, 2021.

The chapter is required to cooperate with all programming requirements through general headquarters.

 Gamma Phi Beta

Reported on 8/26/21


Allegations of hazing in Gamma Phi Beta, specifically activities that interfere with scholastic activities, such as required social events.


Respect for Others D1 (Hazing) Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct.

Disciplinary Probation effective September 14, 2021 through December 31, 2021

With respect to the information listed above, the following additional sanctions/stipulations apply: Completion of a membership review and required educational opportunities with headquarters staff.

 Chi Psi 



Basement #13

LUPD responded to Chi Psi basement (on campus) after a large party caused a smoke alarm to trip due to the humidity from 50-75 people and beer spilled all over the stairs and floor. LUPD also noted multiple beer cans on a table and on the floor. 1. Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.A.8 (Any occasion deemed to be an event with alcohol that has not been registered with the Dean of Students Office will be considered an unregistered social event and will be subject to disciplinary action. - See the policy for specific definitions). 2. Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.) 3. The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. 4. As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.After investigation, no action is being taken in this case. There is not a preponderance of information to find the chapter responsible for any of the listed violations. The party was, in fact, registered via the Event Notification Form. There was some alcohol seen in the space but no information to find that anyone underage was consuming alcohol or that the chapter was distributing it irresponsibly. Delta Upsilon



LUPD saw two students attempt to gain access to the Delta Upsilon chapter house on campus which is currently unoccupied. The students told police that they were on a scavenger hunt as part of initiation to the fraternity. 

Respect for Community E1 (Failure to comply)

Respect for Community A1 (False Information)

Delta Upsilon Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective May 5, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing. The chapter must work in conjunction with their national office and the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs to identify the gaps that occurred in their Spring 2021 new member education program. A complete plan for filing those gaps, including 100% attendance at these programs by your Spring 2021 new members should be submitted to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs by August 1, 2021. New members who fail to complete the mandatory education should be disciplined by the organization if the absences cannot be rectified. The plan is to be completed by August 1, 2021 for implementation in the Fall of 2021. Further violations of the Code of Conduct while on probation will result in a minimum sanction of Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution.May 2023Delta Chi



Members of Delta Chi hosted a large event (40+ people) in the yard in violation of the current COVID related guidelines (more than 15 people, no masks, no social distancing). Respect for Community (General)The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from April 16, 2021 through May 31, 2021. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters. Delta Chi Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective June 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.April 2023Men's Lacrosse Team


Off -Campus

LUPD responded to Taylor Street after a Hawk Watch alerted them to a large gathering. At the time LUPD arrived there were over 20 people in the yard, none who were wearing masks or being socially distant. The students who were at this event are on the Men's Lacrosse team. Respect for Community (General)

Men's Lacrosse is placed on disciplinary probation effective April 7, 2021 through May 28, 2021.  Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of  time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.

April 2023Psi Upsilon



LUPD was dispatched to Hillside after multiple reports of a large party. Officers and reporters noticed approximately 65 people there, many who were not wearing masks. The student who was letting people into this event is a new member of Psi Upsilon.Respect for Community (General)The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from March 24, 2021 through May 31, 2021. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters. Psi Upsilon Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective June 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.April 2023Chi Phi



Chi Phi hosted an in-person recruitment event off campus where all of the attendees violated isolation expectations by leaving campus to attend this event after a positive COVID test. 

Respect for Community (General)The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from March 22, 2021 through May 6, 2022. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters. The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter must submit an updated version of your recruitment plan to include more intentional conversations related to university and chapter expectations. This should also include how your chapters behavior impacts the Lehigh and greater South Bethlehem community. You are required to meet with Nick Manento regarding this plan. His email is It is to be completed by September 17, 2021. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter must invite Assistant Dean Holly Taylor to one chapter meeting during the spring 2021 semester to discuss campus resources and the sanction of deferred dissolution. It is to be completed by May 15, 2021

March 2023


Chi Psi


Oct. 2020

Nov. 2020


The Office of Student Conduct has received three reports over the past three months alleging that Chi
Psi has hosted events in violation of the current COVID related expectations.
Respect for Community (General) -  
As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical
representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the
faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support
our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report
violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.
The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from February 11, 2021 through May
31, 2021. During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code
of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review.
Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this
sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two
additional semesters.
Chi Psi Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective May 31, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of
time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct
may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed,
including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for
reinstatement of recognition in good standing.
The chapter must work with OFSA to complete social host training again, with 90% chapter attendance
including new members. It is to be completed by March 22, 2021.
The chapter is required to work with the Office of Student Conduct and the Office of Fraternity and
Sorority Affairs to develop an interactive program for the use of student organizations that educates
members about individual and corporate responsibility and how they relate to each other. All chapter
members, including new members, must complete program when it is approved. It is to be completed by
March 29, 2021.

February 2023Gamma Phi Beta



Members of Gamma Phi Beta and Chi Psi hosted an event with approximately 12-13 people in attendance. The students acknowledged that they knew that this was a violation of the COVID related expectations but wanted to host the event anyway.




Members of Chi Psi and Gamma Phi Beta hosted an event with approximately 12-13 people in attendance. The students acknowledged that they knew that this was a violation of the COVID related expectations but wanted to host the event anyway.


As a result of this behavior the following sanction(s) are imposed: You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective December 7, 2020 through May 31, 2021. Disciplinary Probation is defined as the imposition of a trial period in which students must show that they are willing to live up to the expectations in this Code of Conduct. This trial period may not exceed four semesters. This status implies that further violations of this code may result in disciplinary suspension or expulsion. Other sanctions may be imposed, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement in good standing.

With respect to the information listed above, the following additional sanctions/stipulations apply: While the chapter is on probation, the chapter is required to report all events to the Office of Student Conduct via email ( at least 4 hours prior to the event. The chapter is required to report any and all events to the office. This includes events with only part of the chapter or the whole chapter, on or off campus, formal or impromptu, date parties, social events, community service, new member education, etc. The chapter must submit the date, time, and location of the event as well as a list of chapter members who are attending. Any member of the exec board can submit this information to the office.

December 2020Alpha Omicron Pi10/16/2020 Off-campusTwo underage members of Alpha Omicron Pi were intoxicated and transported to the hospital on October 16, 2020. One was seen stumbling on E. 5th and was uncooperative with police. One was found unresponsive in an unauthorized area of the Wind Creek Casino. Casino staff members told police that there was a group of women around the same age who had rented out several rooms at the same time. A 3rd member was then found passed out and non responsive on 5th Street shortly after police left the casino. The third student was disheveled and appeared to have been walking through the woods.

The Lehigh University Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority is placed on temporary suspension pending the outcome of an investigation into multiple chapter members being found passed out due to intoxication on Friday, October 16, 2020.

Effective immediately the Lehigh University Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority is prohibited from conducting all activities until this suspension is lifted. This suspension applies to all organized events as well as impromptu social gatherings of members and/or guests that could be construed in any way to be a “Alpha Omicron Pi Event”.   During this period of time, the organization is on notice that any further violations of the Code of Conduct will result in the dissolution of the organization immediately without further review. Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution may not be imposed for longer than two regular semesters. If this sanction is imposed during a semester, it may be imposed for the remainder of that semester and two additional semesters.





The organization is placed on Disciplinary Deferred Dissolution from November 10, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority is placed on disciplinary probation effective May 31, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.

November 10, 2022Alpha Gamma Delta



Lamberton Hall

During the Mr. Mountain Hunk event, a student intentionally poured yellow paint all over himself, damaging the stage, stage drapes, carpet, floor, and some spots on the wall/columns. Several members of the sororities who planned this event knew that this was going to be taking place.Respect for Property A1A (Vandalism) Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another.This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.11/19/2021Alpha Omicron Pi



Lamberton Hall

Alleged Violations 1. Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another.Respect for Property A1A (Vandalism) Intentionally or recklessly interfering with the property of another, including taking without permission, destroying, defacing, or damaging the property of another.This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.11/29/2021Pi Beta Phi



The chapter had hard alcohol in the on campus house.

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)
The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.
This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.
The following educational sanction is being imposed.
The chapter will work with OFSA and advisors (both on and off campus) to develop a notification to all chapter members (both current and to be used with incoming members) discussing the ban on hard alcohol in residence halls and why this policy was put into place. It is to be completed by October 1, 2020. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor.

5/18/2022Swim & Diving Team



Allegation of hazing of the Swimming and Diving Team. It's alleged that team members were reporting being stressed over being told to participate in 3am punishment swims. 

Respect for Others D1 (Hazing)


Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct
may result in more severe sanctions.
The following educational sanction is being imposed: 100% of the Lehigh University Swimming &
Diving Team members must attend an educational program related to hazing and team accountability
presented by Lehigh staff members. After completion of this program, representatives from the team will
be expected to present information from this program to the Student Athlete Council so that those leaders
may disseminate the information to their own teams. It is to be completed by October 15, 2020. Note: this
due date is negotiable and flexible based on when staff and students are allowed back on campus as well
as the team's availability due to practice and competition schedules. For further information please contact
Holly A. Taylor.

5/8/2022Kappa Alpha Theta


(reported on)



Kappa Alpha Theta hosted an event off campus where they gave new members of the chapter bottles of champagne with their names on them. These new members are underage.

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. Respect for Community J1 (Encouraging Others) Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct.

This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct may result in more severe sanctions.

 The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter is expected to work with national, alumni, and staff advisors to host a chapter wide conversation regarding the chapters own BYO policy as well as federal, state, and university policies related to alcohol at social events (both planned and sporadic). The chapter is then required to submit a summary of these conversations to Asst. Dean Holly Taylor at Note: the due date can be flexible based on what the fall semester looks like. Please work with Dean Taylor if the current listed due date will be an issue. It is to be completed by September 30, 2020. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor.

5/4/2022Baseball Team



Specifically it is alleged that the Baseball team hosted an off campus party where alcohol was servedThe unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

As a result of this behavior the following sanction(s) will be imposed:
This letter serves as a Disciplinary Warning. Any future violations of the University Code of Conduct
may result in more severe sanctions.
The following educational sanction is being imposed. At least 85% of the team must complete the Red
Watch Band program with the HAPS Office by October 1, 2020. To schedule this program you can
contact Jenna Papaz ( It is to be completed by October 1, 2020. For further
information please contact Holly A. Taylor.

3/24/2022Women's Swim Team2/4/2020An underage student was heavily intoxicated and was seen being carried into Brodhead by other students.

Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention)
Violation of Part II.d. of the Medical Amnesty Policy which states that student organizations are required
to seek medical attention for members or guests when any potential health risk is observed.
Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)
The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

Disciplinary Warning

The following educational sanction is being imposed: at least 85% of the team must attend an educational
program with Lehigh University Counseling & Psychological Services
In addition, Athletics has also imposed the following sanctions: the individuals involved will be
prohibited from competing in all of the Fall 2020 semester events, which amounts to 6 dual meets and 1
invitational event. They will be expected to continue training with the team throughout the fall if they
have intentions of competing in the Spring 2021 semester, which includes the league championships.
Lastly, the program will be placed on athletics department probation for the rest of this year and the entire
2020-2021 academic year.

3/5/2022Gamma Phi Beta



Gamma Phi Beta Sorority is planning on requiring new members to go out every night for the next two weeks. 

The Office of Student Conduct has been made aware of an incident that occurred on January 24, 2020 in which your actions may have violated the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. 

Alleged Violations 1. Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. 2. Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer.

Update: 3/4/ 2020

Allegations unfounded

Case closed

March 4, 2022Alpha Phi



Alpha Phi Sorority is planning on requiring new members to go out every night for the next two weeks. Respect for Others D1 (Hazing) Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. Respect for Community A1 (False Information) Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply) Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. Respect for Community J1 (Encouraging Others) Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct.You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective March 4, 2020 through December 31, 2020.March 4, 2022Delta Upsilon



It is alleged that Delta Upsilon was drinking and supplying underage students with alcohol on the bus to and from the Wells Fargo Center. It's also alleged that the chapter, along with a few students, got in trouble with security and were kicked out for alcohol, fake ids, and obnoxious behavior. On January 28, 2020, the Office of Student Conduct received notification from Housing Services that ABM workers reported evidence of "excessive partying" at the on campus house due to broken items and large amounts of trash in the house. 

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)
The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.
Respect for Community (General)
As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical
representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the
faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support
our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report
violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.
Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations)
Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential
living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university
computer network.

Placed on Disciplinary Probation effective February 26, 2020 through October 19, 2020.2/26/22Alpha Tau Omega



A student shared a picture of an underage student using a piece of bread as an eye patch and wearing a white t shirt counting the number of beers he had consumed over Le-Laf week. This picture was taken in the ATO kitchen. 1. The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. 2. Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.) 3. Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct. 4. Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct.

You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective February 20, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
 The following educational sanction is being imposed. The event in question was  specifically related to recruiting first year students with alcohol. The chapter recruitment chair(s), social chair(s), and new member educator(s) are required to meet with Olivia Miller to make a tangible plan to host social events once new members join the chapter. This plan should include specifics regarding responsibilities for chapter members at social events and any internal measures that would be taken if a chapter member failed to follow this plan. This plan should be presented at a chapter meeting and submitted to It is to be completed by March 20, 2020.

2/20/22Delta Chi



LUPD responded to the on campus Delta Chi house regarding a 911 hangup. When LUPD arrived, they found the party room floors to be soaked in beer, garbage all over (empty cans of beer and plastic cups), a beer pong table, and approximately 200 students leaving, all wearing similar attire. Upon further investigation, LUPD found that a chapter leader may have lied to the police regarding the event at the house, and another chapter member had a covered smoke detector in his room. Lastly, an anonymous report to LUPD from a student alleged that the chapter offered cocaine to a potential new member.

Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol)
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is
prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely
outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of
alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball,
scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.)
Respect for Community I1A (Social Policy 1.A.8 - Unregistered Party)
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.A.8 (Any occasion deemed to be an event with alcohol
that has not been registered with the Dean of Students Office will be considered an unregistered social
event and will be subject to disciplinary action. - See the policy for specific definitions).

You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective February 10, 2020 through May 31, 2020.

The following educational sanction is being imposed. The social chair(s) and new member educator(s) are required to meet with Assistant Director Devore McIntosh to create a solid plan for social events this semester, specifically focusing on these events once the pause is over and new members join the chapter.
This plan must be submitted to Assistant Dean Holly Taylor via email ( It is to be completed by March 6, 2020.
Additionally, the chapter is required to continue cooperating with their national office to complete any additional sanctions/instructions

2/10/22Chi Psi10/19/19 On-Campus

While looking into another call, LUPD located an unregistered party at Chi Psi. Prior to entering the house LUPD heard people yelling "cops!". LUPD saw numerous people inside holding red solo cups and many cans of beer sitting on tables inside. LUPD reported seeing students who appeared to be under 21 panicking and fleeing the area. LUPD saw empty vodka bottles and empty juice bottles for making mixed drinks. The room was humid from the number of people and the floors were soaked with beer.
Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)  The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

You are placed on Disciplinary Probation effective November 12, 2019 through May 31, 2020.11/12/21Delta Chi10/29/19  Off-Campus

LUPD responded to a noise complaint on E. 5th street. He stopped at 431 and 429 E. 5th and shut both parties down. Both residences are occupied by members of Delta Chi.
Respect for Community (General)
As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.
The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter should manage the individual student cases through their internal judicial processes and report the findings back to the Office of Student Conduct. It is to be completed by November 22, 2019. For further information please contact Holly A Taylor

11/22/21Pi Beta Phi



The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs was informed that the national office of the Sorority put the local chapter on investigative status while an investigation into hazing allegations was conducted. The allegations were related to seniors interacting with new members and alcohol. Alleged Violations 1. Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. 2. The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol. 3. Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a (11. Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. Examples of irresponsible distribution of alcohol include but are not limited to kegs, funnels, shot parties, hotel parties, Beirut games, pong ball, scorpion bowls, chugging contests or other organized drinking games.) 4. Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer.

On December 6, 2019, the Lehigh University Chapter of Pi Beta Phi Sorority was placed on temporary suspension. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs was informed that the national office of the Sorority put the local chapter on investigative status while an investigation into hazing allegations was conducted. The allegations were related to seniors interacting with new members and alcohol.

January 8, 2020

As of the issuance of this letter, the suspension of Pi Beta Phi Sorority is lifted and the chapter can resume operations.

Update: February 17, 2020

Allegations unfounded.  Case closed.


Alpha Tau Omega





LUPD responded to 227 E. 5th for a noise complaint. The residents were cited for disorderly house as this is not the first time the police have had to address noise complaints from this residence. Another student was cited for underage drinking. Another student was cited for urinating out a window and accidentally onto a police officer. 

Respect for Community (General) As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.

Respect for the Law 1 Lehigh University expects that its student members will act in accordance with all applicable federal, state, or local laws.

Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective February 5, 2020 through May 18, 2020. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.

The following educational sanction is being imposed. Review chapter risk management policies and procedures with OFSA Staff. It is to be completed by February 21, 2020. For further information please contact Christopher J. Mulvihill.

The following educational sanction is being imposed. Once the "pause" has been lifted, arrange an educational program with 80% of the chapter in attendance with LUPD to discuss off campus behavior and police interaction. It is to be completed by April 3, 2020. For further information please contact Christopher J. Mulvihill.

2/5/22      Chi Psijj



While on patrol, LUPD observed a large group of male and female students in the back yard of 510/512 E. 5th. The officers noticed beer cans, red solo cups, boxes, clothing, and a toaster in the yard. When LUPD approached the situation, approximately 20 students ran away. One student was left in the yard. He was intoxicated underage. BAC .14.

Respect for Community (General) As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply) Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties.

Chi Psi Fraternity is placed on disciplinary probation effective October 15, 2020 through December 31, 2021. Disciplinary probation is the conditional continuation of a group or organization for a specified period of time not to exceed four semesters. This status implies that any further violation of this Code of Conduct may result in dissolution, termination, or other authorized sanctions. Other sanctions may be imposed, including limitations on social activities, and additional requirements may be imposed as conditions for reinstatement of recognition in good standing.

The following educational sanction is being imposed: The chapter must develop a COVID Response Plan and Submit it to Dean Holly Taylor by Thursday, October 22nd. As a reminder, Any violations of university’s COVID policy at any off campus facility controlled by Chi Psi Brothers will be seen as a chapter violation.

The Chapter is required to work with Olivia Miller in the OFSA, your national office, and your alumni to develop an officer transition plan and both short-term and long term goals for the organization. It is to be completed by December 1, 2020. For further information please contact Christopher J. Mulvihill.

The Chapter is required to develop expectations and a written plan for members about the responsibilities of being a good South Bethlehem neighbor. This plan must include how you will communicate with neighbors and how you will maintain trash on property. It is to be completed by October 31, 2020. For further information please contact Christopher J. Mulvihill.



Alpha Phi

9/25/2020 Off-campus

Alpha Phi allegedly hosted an event with an unrecognized fraternity with a student who tested positive for COVID. 

Respect for Community (General) As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University.

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

Alpha Phi Sorority is placed on disciplinary probation effective October 26, 2020 through May 31, 2021.

The following educational sanction is being imposed. The chapter must create a "Plan for Success" that both the chapter and individual members can utilize moving forward especially while the chapter is on probation. This plan should speak to at least 3 facets of the organization (ex: recruitment, academics, social events, leadership, etc.) and what specific steps need to be taken in order to accomplish that. This plan should also include why the chapter wants to be successful in each area, as well as any threats to success that could come up and how the chapter will manage those. It's expected that all chapter members contribute to this plan. After completion, this plan must be submitted to OFSA, the Office of Student Conduct, and chapter advisors. It is to be completed by December 11, 2020. For further information please contact Holly A. Taylor.



Organization NameIncident Date & LocationSummaryChargesSanctionsPhi Sigma Kappa11/30/2023 On-Campus

A new member from Phi Sigma Kappa was transported to the hospital for high levels of intoxication. The subsequent investigation found that new members were provided hard alcohol and forced/coerced into consuming that alcohol. Over the course of the Fall 2023 semester, various incidents and types of hazing occurred. The Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity provided false information to the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office in the form of a New Member Education plan that was incomplete. Additionally the members of the organization provided false, misleading, or incomplete information to the Lehigh University Police
Department and the Office of Student Conduct when being interviewed in relation to this incident.
Respect for Others D1 (Hazing) 
Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) 
Respect for Self B1 (Unhealthy Consumption) 
Respect for Community I1A (ENF Policy Violation 1.A.9 - Drinking Games) 
Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention)
Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply) 
Respect for Community I1A (ENF Policy Violation 1.A.2)
Respect for Community A1 (False Information) 
Respect for Others (General) 

Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity dissolved effective January 18, 2024 through January 18, 2029.


Phi Delta Theta2/23/2023

Lehigh University Police responded to an off-campus residence for a noise complaint. When they arrived, there was a loud party with yelling and music. While a resident of that location met with Lehigh Police Officers and Bethlehem Police Officers to discuss the noise, there was a disturbance inside. Officers became aware of an unresponsive male being carried upstairs, that student was identified as a new member of Phi Delta Theta. Officers entered the house to check on the student. he was unresponsive, vomiting, and needed medical assistance. He was transported to St. Luke's.

Respect for Community I1A (Social Policy 1.A.8 - Unregistered Party)
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.A.8 (Any occasion deemed to be an event with alcohol that has not been registered with the Dean of Students Office will be considered an unregistered social event and will be subject to disciplinary action. - See the policy for specific definitions)., Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.. Respect for Community O1 (Organizational failure to seek medical attention)
Violation of Part II.d. of the Medical Amnesty Policy which states that student organizations are required to seek medical attention for members or guests when any potential health risk is observed., Respect for Community E1 (Failure to Comply)
Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of university officials (including law enforcement) while acting in the performance of their duties, Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations) Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university computer network.

The Chapter was closed by the National Headquarters prior to disciplinary action being take by Lehigh University.Alpha Tau Omega



LUPD received a report alleging hazing at ATO, specifically related to the "last night of hell week". Upon entering the chapter house, LUPD saw students run towards the east exit door. In the party room, officers found several emptied containers of Icy Hot, which had been spread over the seats of folding chairs which looked like someone had been sitting in them. Behind the house, LUPD found several shovels, along with garbage bags filled with dirt, and alcohol in the trash cans. Respect for Others D1 (Hazing) Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct. Respect for Community A1 (False Information) Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer. Respect for Community B1 (Causing an Emergency) Intentionally or recklessly causing an emergency or dangerous environment.The organization's status is hereby Dissolved effective June 14, 2022 through May 31, 2026.      Theta Xi



After attending a recruitment event with Theta Xi, two students came back to campus, were intoxicated,
and got into a physical altercation in Williams.
Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession)
The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.
Respect for Others D1 (Hazing)
Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct.
Respect for Community A1 (False Information)
Intentionally furnishing false information to a university official, hearing panel, or conduct officer.
Respect for Community I1 (Posted Rules and Regulations)
Violating any Lehigh University policies, rules, or regulations, including but not limited to, residential
living policies (General Provisions for Occupancy) and policies related to the use of the university
computer network.

Theta XI Fraternity has been dissolved effective March 9, 2020 through May 10, 2021.Phi Kappa Theta



LUPD responded to the house where loud music was coming from. The odor of alcohol was emanating from the house and the students who began leaving. As the party ended, approximately 75 students exited the home. A prior chapter sanction from December 1, 2018 stated that the chapter is alcohol free on and off campus through May 2020. The language in the prior outcome letter is: The chapter will be dry on and off campus and is prohibited from hosting any events with alcohol while on Deferred Dissolution. While on Probation (June1, 2020 - December 31, 2021) the chapter is only permitted to host events with alcohol in which a third party vendor provides the alcohol. In this case, there was no third party vendor and the chapter admitted to guests consuming alcohol at the event. On January 20, 2020 a/an Sanction Only Hearingwas held to adjudicate the charges below: Respect for Community (General) As members of the Lehigh University Community, students are expected to serve as ethical representatives. They are expected to know and follow the Code of Conduct, and show respect for the faculty, staff, community members and administrative processes that are in place to maintain and support our community standards. Students are expected to hold themselves and others accountable and report violations of the Code of Conduct or other violations to the University. Respect for Community G1 (Incomplete Sanctions) Failure to complete any sanctions imposed by Lehigh University. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.

After reviewing the information related to incident, the Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel made the following finding(s) regarding the violation(s): 1. Respect for Community (General) -- Responsible 2. Respect for Community G1 (Incomplete Sanctions) -- Responsible 3. Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) -- Responsible

As a result of this behavior the following sanction(s) were imposed: The organization's status is hereby dissolved effective January 20, 2020 through December 1, 2021. Dissolution is the loss of university recognition for a period of time not to exceed 5 years. Dissolution is the loss of privilege to use the university's name or represent it in any capacity. In addition, the group or organization will lose all privileges to use university equipment or facilities. At the end of the dissolution period, the organization shall contact the Dean of Students Office and be required to follow any recognition processes in place at the time. Hearing panels shall impose dissolution for time periods of years, not semesters.

Alpha Chi Omega12/8/17 - On-CampusAlpha Chi Omega Sorority planned and executed a scavenger hunt (Road Rally) that involved the use of drugs and alcohol, sexual activity, and other activities that violate Lehigh University policy.

Respect for Others D1 (Hazing) Hazing as defined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct and Respect for Others (General)
Lehigh University expects that all students will act in a civil manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility, and respect towards others and the Lehigh Community.
Respect for Others (General) Lehigh University expects that all students will act in a civil manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility, and respect towards others and the Lehigh Community. 
Respect for Community J1 (Encouraging Others)
Encouraging or facilitating others in actions that violate the Code of Conduct.

Kappa Sigma4/22/17 - Off-CampusLehigh University received a report that multiple (over 40) students were cited for underage drinking at an off campus event. It was also reported that one member of the organization was cited for providing alcohol to minors.

Respect for Self A1 (Unauthorized Consumption, Distribution, or Possession) The unauthorized or illegal consumption, distribution, or possession of alcohol.  
Respect for Community I1B (Social policy - 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible Distribution of Alcohol).
Violating the Lehigh University Social Policy 1.D.11.a - Irresponsible distribution of alcohol is prohibited. a. Any occasion where the atmosphere or circumstances are such that the intended or likely outcome is to either abuse alcohol or become intoxicated. 

The organization's status is hereby dissolved effective July 14, 2017 through July 14, 2019.