What is the Sophomore Experience?

The Sophomore Experience is an initiative focused on Lehigh’s second-year students. Programs and opportunities are optional and built to help students deepen their learning and continue to utilize campus resources and experiences to enhance their success. The intention is that these events and programs align with what sophomore students are facing during their second-year and continue to find ways to support them as their needs change throughout their college experience.

Where can I get the most up to date information?

Check your Lehigh email address for bi-monthly newsletters starting in September. We send out upcoming programs, advice from upperclassmen and highlight resources related to what you may be experiencing. Keep checking the Sophomore Experience website and information will also be posted on the Year2@LU Instagram page (@year2atLU).

How do I register for upcoming events?

Registration links will be attached below each event on the website if required. As you search for events in LINC, the description should indicate if it requires registration.

When will sophomore events be?

Sophomore events will start with Kickoff on September 1st and continue throughout the fall semester with the Sophomore Series, Sophomore Escape, Open Houses and the Halfway There Celebration.

Are these events required for sophomores?

These events are completely voluntary, and highly encouraged. We want you to get involved in ways that you were not able to in your first year and also meet people you have not had the chance to get to know yet. This is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself, your peers, and Lehigh!