Residence Life Crests
Beginning in the summer of 2017, the Office of Residence Life began a process of creating crests that embodied unique architectural elements from each residence hall. The residence hall crest is intended to encourage students to take pride in their residential community, and to feel a sense of unity and connection with the other students who share that crest.
The final phase of this process was creating a crest for the Office of Residence Life which embodied our office mission and the spirit of our Gryphon Society. Our department crest includes three main elements: the Star of Bethlehem, a Gryphon, and a keyhole.
The Star of Bethlehem represents community. The illuminated star sits atop our campus and shines over South Bethlehem every night. It is representative not just of the community we strive to build in our residence halls and across campus, but also the strong community that exists in South Bethlehem as well. Our students represent and are stewards not just of their residential community and the Lehigh community, but also of the South Bethlehem community as well. The Star of Bethlehem is a constant reminder, and a source of pride, for our community. The Gryphon is our iconic mascot and guardian of the Gryphon Society. The Gryphon is the keeper of the gold at Lehigh and represents our dedicated student leaders. The keyhole at the center of the crest symbolizes our department's mission to create an inclusive and respectful residential environment in which all residents are welcomed, engaged, challenged, and encouraged to realize their full academic and personal potential.

The crest symbol for Brodhead was created to mirror the L shape layout of this apartment style building as seen from an aerial and frontal view of the building.
Lower Cents

The unique feature that differentiates the Lower Cents area from other residential areas on campus is the pavilion. The symbol in the Lower Cents crest represents this feature.
Upper Cents

The Upper Cents iconic symbol comes from the view of walking down the notable long patio that wraps around the Upper Cents buildings as seen below.

Dravo’s crest perfectly embodies how we see the building everyday: standing tall on Lehigh’s main campus with its classic stone architecture. The symbol in this crest represents the entire buildings outer shape that we can always see towering above the trees.

The symbol in Drinker’s crest can also be found from the various designs on the outside of its structure. This design is located above the front entrance door to Drinker and embodies the historic building that it is known to be.
Farrington Square

The Farrington Square buildings embody a modern style with highlights of glass windows throughout the hallways of each floor. The crest symbol for Farrington Square was inspired by one of these glass window features.

While walking up to the M&M main entrance, the first thing you notice is the wrought iron railing with its elegant design at the center. The symbol for the M&M crest embodies this unique feature of the building.

The inspiration for Richards’ crest is found in the detail of the building’s architecture. Specifically, the side entrance door which faces the Richards parking lot is where the symbol in Richards’ crest is found.

The Sayre Park crest symbol resembles a trinity icon. The trinity-like symbol represents the community bond between the three identical buildings that comprise Sayre Park.

Taylor House is the oldest residence hall on campus with a year of establishment in 1907. The classic appearance that Lehigh consistently shows throughout campus is exemplified in the crest symbol of Taylor influenced by the sconces above each entrance.

Trembley is known as a group of apartment-style housing options, some which have lofts. The crest symbol for Trembley comes from this unique outer shape of the apartment buildings that you can see on the horizon.

UMOJA is Swahili for unity, and the UMOJA House allows students to explore diversity and multiculturalism. Its symbol was created by the members of its house to portray these qualities.
Warren Square

The Warren Square buildings are comprised of six houses surrounding the Warren Square road. The crest symbol represents the six individual houses and their proximity to each other.

Singleton is part of a three building residence hall complex for second year and upper class students.

Hitch is part of a three building residence hall complex (SHM) for second year and upper class students.

Maida is part of a three building residence hall complex (SHM) for second year and upper class students.