E-mail: inrha@lehigh.edu

RHA Executive Board 2022-2023

Kubair Jha 

Henry Jeng

Akanksha Gavade

Sarah Okunsen

Thaksheel Alleck


RHA Staff Advisor

Office of Residence Life
(610) 758-6598

RHA General Meetings

The RHA Executive Board and RHC leadership of each of the 13 RHCs, usually the President and Vice-President, meet regularly during the academic year to approve funding for RHC events and plan campus-wide events. Outside guests and organizations are also allowed to attend these meetings.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved please contact the RHA Staff Advisor via email at inrha@lehigh.edu

Funding Requests for Lehigh Clubs or Organizations

RHA often collaborates with other student groups and organizations to plan events for Lehigh's campus. RHA sets aside a limited amount of funding to assist other student clubs and organizations in making these events or programs happen. 

To request funding or collaboration with RHA, interested student clubs or organizations should complete the following steps:

  1. E-mail the RHA Executive Board at inrha@lehigh.edu outlining what program or event you would like to request funding for, or if you would like to collaborate with RHA and the RHCs in planning and executing a particular program or event. Funding requests must be specific and include an itemized listing of what the funds will be used for.
  2. You will be asked to prepare a short presentation that a representative of your club or organization must present at an RHA General Meeting. In limited, time-sensitive cases, this step may not be required.
  3. The RHA Executive Board and RHC representatives will vote on whether to approve or deny the request, or to propose new options. RHA normally requires to be listed as a collaborator on any marketing media. You can download the RHA logo at this link.
  4. The club or organization will then need to provide RHA with their Lehigh account code in order to receive the funding. It can take up to a week for the funds to be transferred.