We recognize the environments in which students learn have an enormous impact on their well-being. Through partnering with faculty members, the Peer Health Advisor Training Course provides a menu of strategies for infusing well-being into educational practices. The class takes place in the spring semester. 

  • All newly accepted Peer Health Advisors are required to participate in this training. The training is designed to teach students all of the information they will need to know about current priority health topics; it will teach them facilitation techniques, and will demonstrate the various programs the group currently conducts.  Students need only undergo the training once.

  • The Peer Health Advisor Training syllabus is developed from the compilation of results from various survey data to focus on priority health concerns specific to Lehigh University. They also receive training on public health models and theories, facilitation techniques and classroom management, and extensive knowledge of Lehigh University campus resources to refer peers when appropriate. 

  • Peer Health Advisors are trained by Health Advancement & Prevention Strategies staff members and through partnerships with other campus experts on priority student health topics: