Semester Accommodation Renewal Request

Each semester you are enrolled, you will need to submit a “Semester Accommodation Renewal” request in our Accommodate data management system in order to utilize your approved accommodations. To submit your semester accommodation renewal request do the following:

  1. Log into Accommodate at or by clicking on the “Student Portal” link in the box at the bottom of the Disability Support Services homepage.
  2. Click on the “Accommodation” tab on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on the “Semester Request” sub-tab. To begin a new Semester Request, select “Fall 2019” from the drop down, and click on the “Add New” button at the bottom of the page.
    This will direct you to a new screen where you will re-select the appropriate semester from the drop down menu. This screen also provides a list of your DSS approved accommodations. Click “Review the Renewal.”
  4. The next screen will list the classes in which you are enrolled for the selected semester. If you know a particular accommodation will not be necessary for one or more of your courses -- for example, “Use of a Calculator” in an Art History class -- you can opt not to request it for that course by unchecking the box located to the immediate left of the course. Note, if you have already submitted a “Semester Request” for the semester you selected or if you have an accommodation such as academic flexibility that requires a semester meeting with staff, you will see a message above your class list that says, “You do not have any accommodations that are eligible to renew.”
  5. Once you have selected the approved accommodations you prefer for each class, click submit at the bottom of the page. Your semester request is now complete. You will receive an email, normally within 24 hours, informing you that your Accommodation Letters are ready to be printed from your Accommodate dashboard. You should print them out and deliver them to your instructors as soon as possible but no later than seven (7) days prior to when accommodations are needed.


Supplemental Accommodation Request

If you are a student who is already receiving accommodations through DSS and want to request a new accommodation, one for which you have not yet been approved, you will need to submit a Supplemental Accommodation Request by completing the following steps.

  1. Log into Accommodate at or by clicking on the “Semester Accommodation Renewal” box on the right side of the Disability Support Services homepage using your Lehigh username and password.
  2. Click on the Accommodations tab. You will be on the Accessibility Request sub-tab which will list your approved accommodations.
  3. Click on the “Supplemental” sub-tab and select “Add New Supplemental.”
  4. Complete the form, adding documentation as necessary, and submit your request. Your request will now be placed into the queue for review.  When the review is compete, DSS staff will contact you regarding next steps. 


If you have any questions about completing either the semester or supplemental request or printing your letters, please email