
My child received academic accommodations in high school, will they be eligible for the same accommodations at Lehigh University?

Not necessarily. The diagnosis needs to meet the criteria of a “disabling condition” when compared to the average person in the general population. The test data needs to support evidence of a current, significant, and functional limitation that impacts learning. The evaluation must support a link between the disability and the requested accommodation.

If my child does not meet the guidelines for accommodations, then what type of academic support will he receive?

Lehigh University offers academic support services to all students who request it. Students may receive support in the form of “coaching,” time management, organizational, and study strategies. 

How will my child’s professors be notified of their need for accommodations?

Students who are eligible for academic accommodations must sign an authorized release form each and every semester that they are requesting accommodations. The Office of Academic Support Services will then send an email to the professor stating that the student is eligible for academic accommodations. The student must hand-deliver a letter of accommodations to each of his/her professors. The accommodation letter will outline the type of accommodations the student will receive in each course. Academic accommodations are determined on an individual basis, course by course. The university requires that students notify faculty at least seven days prior to the need for accommodations.

I want my child to receive accommodations but they refuse to ask for support services. Can I sign them up for accommodations?

No. Students must request academic accommodations and other support services. This can be very frustrating for parents who have always taken an active role in their child’s educational needs. Students may want to “try it on their own” before requesting support services. Encourage your child to meet with the Assistant Dean of Academic Support Services to determine whether or not they should request support services. Our staff is available to help students make informed decisions.