How would I benefit from working with the Disability Support Services (DSS)?

There are several benefits to students who work closely with Disability Support Services. The staff works to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities in order to maximize students’ academic success. Through the provision of services and programming, staff work with students to develop the strategies, skills, and behaviors they need to live, learn, and lead at Lehigh and beyond. DSS also serves as a resource to connect students with other offices and support services on campus as appropriate. 


If I received accommodations in high school, does that mean I will receive them in college?

Not necessarily. The diagnosis needs to meet the criteria of a “disabling condition” when compared to the average person in the general population. Documentation needs to support evidence of a significant functional limitation that impacts a major life activity. The evaluation must support a link between the disability and the requested accommodation.


I'm eligible for academic accommodations.  Now what happens?

Each semester, a student who is eligible for accommodations will log into Lehigh Accommodate to make her or his semester request for accommodations. Once a semester request is approved, students should print their accommodation letters and contact instructors to submit copies of letter and to discuss the provision of accommodations in each class.


What is academic coaching?

Academic Coaching is a one-on-one process of assisting students examine academic concerns and barriers to success and devise individualized plans of action. Coaching includes regular one-to-one meetings during which coaches and students collaboratively work to help students successfully navigate the college careers. DSS data indicate that students who participate in the academic coaching program have higher GPAs than their non-coached peers.


How often can I schedule academic coaching appointments?

Typically, first year students are encouraged to meet with DSS staff once a week for thirty minutes during the fall semester. However, depending on the student’s needs and schedule, appointments can be scheduled less frequently either on a regular basis, or on an “as needed” basis.


I have a temporary disability.  Can DSS help me? What Services might be available?

Services for students who have temporary disabilities are available through DSS.  The initial registration/request for services process is the same. Accommodations for students with temporary disabilities can also be similar. If, for example a student injures a dominant hand, DSS might work to find an assigned note-taker for classes, provide assistive technology to allow a student to complete academic coursework, or approve extended time on exams.


What is the process for obtaining housing accommodations?

Disability Support Services works closely with the Office of Housing Services and the Office of Residence Life to provide housing accommodations to students with disabilities. More information and a link apply can be found at Disability Housing Accommodation.


I need transportation assistance on campus.  Where do I go for help?

Students with either permanent or temporary mobility needs can work with DSS to create a transportation plan to ensure that they can navigate the campus using ADA-accessible transportation. The initial registration/request for services process is the same. 


Why might I want a mentor?

Mentors are upper class students with disabilities who have been very successful here at Lehigh. Mentors are usually matched with students who are in the same college and share similar interests. The mentors are available to provide guidance on academic and social issues. They have the insight that only other students can offer. The mentors organize a number of group events throughout the year that are not only informative but relaxing and fun as well.


I am a prospective student.  May I meet with someone from your office during my campus visit?

A DSS staff member would be happy to meet with you during your visit to campus.  We ask that you coordinate this request in advance by contacting our office via email at or via phone at (610) 758-4152.