IMPORTANT:   Notify the University Police of Your Location - call 610-758-4200.

Please follow these instructions in case of an emergency situation:

  • Proceed to the nearest fire-exit stair locations or designated “wait area”
  • Ensure that the University Police is notified of your location by calling 610-758-4200

Members of the Lehigh Police department or members of the Bethlehem Fire Department will assist you from the building, if evacuation is necessary.



Students, faculty, staff, guests and visitors with disabilities must be cognizant of emergency evacuation procedures. You must be aware of the location of the nearest fire-exit stair and emergency phone. Inform another student, faculty/ staff member, or administrator of your location should you be working in an isolated area of a building.

In classroom buildings, the Office of Disability Support Services notifies police and building monitors of the time(s) and location(s) of classes that have students who use wheelchairs. Digital phones are located in most classrooms.


In administration buildings, students and staff are responsible for notifying building administrators of their arrival, location(s) and departure. In the event of an emergency evacuation, notify the University Police and proceed to fire-exit stair location(s).


Library patrons with disabilities are responsible for informing the Library staff at the Information Desk of the location and approximate length of stay in the building. Library staff is available to answer questions about fire-exit stair locations and provide information as needed.


In residence halls, your name is kept on file in the Residential Services Office and with the University Police so that emergency personnel are informed of your location upon arrival. Wherever you are in the residence hall, proceed immediately to the nearest fire-exit stair or “wait area” and wait for University Police or members of the Bethlehem Fire Department to assist you from the building.  If you are in your room and require assistance to the nearest fire-exit stair, a member of the Residence Life staff and/or classmate identified in advance will assist you to the nearest fire exit “wait area” and notify police of your location. If you are alone and require assistance, notify the University police of your location and the assistance you need.


If you are studying with other students in a resident’s room or other campus location, please notify the University Police at 610-758-4200 if a fire alarm or other emergency warning system is activated. Then ask the other student to notify police or emergency personnel of your location.