Incoming Student FAQ

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Am I able to request an exemption from required vaccines for Religious or Medical reasons?

Yes. There is an Immunization Exemption Request Form that can be published to your student health portal for you to complete if you wish to be exempt from a required vaccine due to Medical or Religious reasons. A student may request this electronic form to be published to your portal by speaking with HWC staff by phone, email, or secure message. No supporting documentation is required.

As an incoming student at Lehigh, what does the Health & Wellness Center require of me?

The Health & Wellness Center requires the following items from all incoming students:


1) The following forms completed and signed by your Primary Care Provider:

  • The official Lehigh 2024-2025 immunization record uploaded to the student health portal via the Immunization History form

  • The official Lehigh 2024-2025 physical exam form uploaded to the student health portal


2) The following electronic forms completed in your student health portal:

  • Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire form 
  • Health History form 

  • Acknowledgement and Consent to Treatment forms

  • Immunization History form with dates of vaccination entered   


3) Proof of health insurance: 

  • Copies of the front & back of your insurance card uploaded to the student health portal
Can I submit my own doctor's forms?

No. Only the official 2024-2025 Lehigh immunization and physical examination forms will be accepted. Please provide these for your Primary Care provider to complete and sign as they contain important information regarding Immunizations, Athletic Participation requirements, and more.

Do I need health insurance while attending Lehigh?

Yes. Lehigh University requires most undergraduate and graduate students to have health insurance. Lehigh does offer a student health insurance program called Wellfleet (a Cigna PPO product) but this is not required. Please see our page about insurance requirements for further details.

Does my immunization record have to be signed off by my doctor’s office?

Yes, we must receive the official Lehigh University immunization record form completed and signed by your healthcare provider to verify your immunization history.

How do I access the patient portal to submit my health forms?

The patient portal can be accessed by going to beginning on May 16th of 2024 for new and incoming students.

I uploaded everything you asked of me. Why does my record not show that I am Compliant?

Each upload from every New and Incoming Student needs to be manually reviewed, and applied to the student's chart by staff at The Health & Wellness Center. This is a lengthy process, which is why the requested deadline is several weeks prior to the start of the semester. Communication will go out to students who are found to be non-compliant as the semester approaches.

I am an International Student, a required vaccine is not available in My Country. What do I do?

Please request an Exemption form to be published to your portal allowing you to be temporarily exempt from that vaccine requirement until you can receive it.

If I am a part-time student at Lehigh University are these forms required?

If you are eligible to access Health & Wellness Center services, you must complete the required forms. Please see our eligibility policy here.

If I am an employee as well as a student at Lehigh University - are these forms required?

No. Employees are not eligible to access services at the Health & Wellness Center even if they are also students. Please see our official eligibility policy here.

What if I can't upload my paperwork by July 12th?

The requested deadline is to ensure adequate processing time for all the incoming student paperwork. Also, for students who are missing any requirements to still have time to work on obtaining them, in the hopes of avoiding any disruptions to registration or move in at the start of the semester. Please upload your documentation as soon as you are able.

What if I need a vaccine that is multiple doses, spaced apart?

For vaccines that require a space of time between doses such as Meningitis B, or COVID-19, your record will be compliant within that timeframe. Once you are due for your next dose, you will have two weeks to upload documented proof of receiving it before becoming Noncompliant.

Why do I need to provide a copy of my insurance card to the Health & Wellness Center?

The Health & Wellness Center requires a copy of all student’s health insurance cards in the event that we need to send out certain tests (for example: throat cultures, urine cultures) to an outside lab or for bloodwork that may be required, and in the event of an Emergency.