Our staff of Registered Nurses, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners, and Physicians are trained to take care of your medical situation or concern through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

Allergies, cold, cough, flu, sore throat, ear ache, infection, sinus pain, gastrointestinal illness, wound care, sprains & strains, splinter removal, suture removal, eye flushes and exams, ear lavage, dermatological issues, blisters, concussions & head injuries, urinary tract infections, and more.

  • Crutches are available at the Health & Wellness Center, if needed following an injury, for $30 which will be billed to student's bursar account. Students must first be evaluated by a Health & Wellness Center provider to determine the nature of the injury and need. 

The Health & Wellness Center provides the following immunizations:

  • HPV (Gardasil) Doses 1, 2, & 3

    • The HPV vaccine is currently recommended, per CDC guidelines, for both males and females through age 26 if not vaccinated already. Adults aged 27-45 may consider HPV vaccination in consultation with their healthcare provider. Students may call for an appointment to discuss or receive the vaccine. Lehigh's Student Health Insurance covers this immunization.

  • Meningitis A,C,Y,W (Menveo)

  • Meningitis B (Bexsero) Doses 1 & 2

  • Meningitis B (Trumenba) Doses 1, 2, & 3 

  • Tetanus/Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, & pertussis)

*If you are in need of additional immunizations, please contact the Health & Wellness for a referral

The Health & Wellness Center performs on-site rapid strep tests, urinalysis, and urine pregnancy tests 

  • For your convenience, HNL Phlebotomists are available in the Health & Wellness Center during the fall and spring semesters at the following times:

    • Monday 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    • Wednesday 9:00 am - 10:00 am

    • Thursday 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

  • Blood work performed by HNL at the Health & Wellness Center is subject to laboratory fees. You will be asked to provide your health insurance information to the HNL technician. It is your responsibility to verify that your insurance participates with HNL. In addition, Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, and St. Luke’s Hospital Lab are all a short distance from campus. 

  • Students who have purchased insurance through University Health Plans may use HNL. Students will need a lab order written by their provider in order to have their testing completed.

  • Remember to bring a copy of your current health insurance with you when you come to have blood work 

  • We understand that certain students receive medication injections on a scheduled basis. Before we can administer those medications, we require certain documentation from your physician. We require a medical diagnosis, summary of care on the office letterhead, and a written prescription with the dosage and frequency of the medicine from a U.S licensed physician. The medication must be dispensed from a U.S pharmacy. We DO NOT administer investigational or non U.S.-medications. The medication must be FDA approved for the stated medical diagnosis within the U.S. We DO NOT administer the first injection. 

  • Students may schedule an appointment with our Registered Nurse and Dietetic Technician-Registered for nutrition counseling & weight checks. 

Presently, The HWC Provider's can complete the following types of Physical Exams:

  •  Wellfleet Student Health Insurance: Establish Care Physicals (No Charge)

  • Driver's License ($30.00)

  • Teacher's Certification ($30.00)

  • Study Abroad ($30.00)

Students who are looking to begin or continue PrEP will be scheduled with a Provider for consultation and assessment.

  • HWC Providers can order both the initial bloodwork for beginning PrEP and the routine 90 day bloodwork required to continue taking PrEP

  • All bloodwork can be done at the HWC through Health Network Lab Medicine (HNL) during regular lab hours or at a physical lab of the student's choosing with the printed order

  • Students can elect to be billed privately for the bloodwork at a discounted rate through HNL or have their insurance billed

  • Students can elect to pay privately for the medication through the HWC Pharmacy or have a prescription written to a Pharmacy who will bill their insurance

  • The Health & Wellness Center stocks routine antibiotics and a limited range of prescription medications

  • Please note: medications that are not available in the Health & Wellness Center require a prescription and may be filled at a local pharmacy. 

  • The Health & Wellness Center does not prescribe for the following:

    • ADHD: Students who are prescribed medication for ADHD must make arrangements with their prescribing physician to continue their medication. Students interested in finding a local prescribing physician can contact the Health & Wellness Center for more information.

    • Accutane: Those who are prescribed Accutane must make arrangements with their prescribing physician to continue their medication. Students interested in finding a local prescribing physician can contact the Health & Wellness Center for more information.

    • Psychiatric medication: This is considered on an individual basis, depending on the diagnosis and the medication. Incoming students should check with their current prescribing physician to make arrangements for prescriptions while they are at Lehigh.

  • We provide our patients with routine and emergent gynecological examinations, contraceptive management (including counseling & prescriptions), testing & treatment for STIs, emergency contraception pill (Plan B), pregnancy testing, information and advice about sexual assault 

  • Gynecology exams include the following:

    • Instruction on self-breast exam 

    • Evaluation for gynecologic complaints (for example: menstrual problems, vaginitis, genital lesions)

    • Testing for sexually transmitted infections 

  • Contraceptive counseling and prescriptions for:

    • Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCP’s)

    • NuvaRing (self-inserted monthly vaginal contraceptive)

    • Depo-Provera injections

    • Nexplanon insertion & removal

    • Intrauterine Device (IUD) insertion & removal - Paragard, Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla

  • ​Gynecology appointments can be scheduled by calling 610-758-3870.

  • Emergency contraception (the morning after pill), may be purchased confidentially by both male and female students for a low cost of $11.00. It is available on both the 2nd & 3rd floor. We encourage students to purchase it in advance of possible need. 

  • Condoms are available free of charge at the Health & Wellness Center, in both the 2nd & 3rd floor lobbies. 

  • Confidential resources for sexual assault support are Counseling & Psychological Services who can be reached at 610-758-3880 and the Chaplain's Office who can be reached at 610-758-3877. Other campus entities are mandated reporters who are obligated to report sexual assault to the police. 

    • For more information regarding resources that can be utilized on campus, please view this page from the Gender Violence Education & Support Department.

  • For more information about sexual assault and sexual assault reporting, please visit Lehigh's site on combating sexual assault and gender violence

  • Gender Violence Advocates have a 24/7 hotline that can be reached at 610-758-4763

  • The Health & Wellness Center will meet the physical needs, provide direction, and testing as needed 

  • If you are on the Student Health Insurance plan, in most cases, you need to be referred by a HWC Healthcare Professional for the insurance to consider payment. For students on their own private, or family insurance plan - please refer to your insurance provider directly for a list of local specialists they may cover.

The Health & Wellness Center tests for the following STI's

  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

    • The CDC recommends chlamydia and gonorrhea testing every year in sexually active women 25 years old and younger. The test in women is done during the gynecologic exam or by a self-collected vaginal swab or urine specimen.

    • In males, the test is done by the collection of a urine specimen. The urine specimen must be collected at least one hour after the last time you voided.

  • Herpes

    • Testing of possible herpes lesions is available at the Health & Wellness Center. Students who desire a blood test for herpes titers (evidence of past infection) should make an appointment to discuss this with a provider.

  • ​Other community resources for STI testing include

We have two temporary stay rooms for our ill students awaiting disposition from the Health & Wellness Center.