Yes. There is an Immunization Exemption Request Form that can be published to your student health portal for you to complete if you wish to be exempt from a required vaccine due to Medical or Religious reasons. You may request this form to be published to your portal by speaking with HWC staff by phone, email, or secure message.
Yes. Please visit the Incoming Student page on our website for more information & directions.
The Health & Wellness Center retains student health records for 7 years following the last date of service or 7 years from the date of graduation or withdrawal, whichever is longer. Please complete the required Authorization form here, and email it to inluhc@lehigh.edu to request a copy of your medical records. Please allow up to ten business days for your request to be processed.
Yes, the Health & Wellness Center is an appointment-based office. Please find out more about how to make an appointment here.
The Health & Wellness Center does not charge a fee for most office visits and services. However, there are some office visits and services that do have an associated charge. Please see our schedule of fees here. For these services, we accept payment by check, cash, or we can bill the student's bursar account.
Supporting documentation for students to submit to their health insurance plan for reimbursement is available on the student health portal. The Health & Wellness Center does not bill insurance directly as we are not contracted with any insurance carriers, and do not receive payment from them.
Yes. Our clinical staff includes Registered Nurses, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners, and Physicians who are all licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We also have a Certified Medical Assistant on our staff who works with our team.
Yes, Lehigh University has an EMS team made up of student, faculty, and staff volunteers who respond to medical emergencies on our campus. In the case of an on-campus medical emergency, please call 610-758-4200. The LUEMS does not provide transport, if emergency transport is indicated the Bethlehem EMS will be called. You can find out more about LUEMS here.
No. If you are in need of these services, please check with your insurance to find a list of allergists in the area that can assist you.
Per University Policy; The Health & Wellness Center does not distribute medical excuses. If you need to miss a class or a day of classes due to illness, athletic competition, personal issue, or other appropriate reason, it is extremely important that you contact your instructor as soon as possible. The Office of Academic Support Services suggests that you contact your instructor by email before you miss the class. A Report of Student Absence Form is available online here. Once you receive confirmation back for the absence it is the STUDENTS’ responsibility to provide the absence note to your instructor.
Students missing 3+ days of classes need to submit the online form as soon as possible.
The Health & Wellness Center stocks routine antibiotics and a limited range of prescription medications. Medications that are not available in the Health & Wellness Center require a prescription and may be filled at a local pharmacy. There are several pharmacies to choose from that are within walking distance to campus:
CVS: 305 West Fourth Street Bethlehem, PA 18015 | 610-691-4085
Bethlehem Pharmacy: 817 East Fourth Steet Bethlehem, PA 18015 | 610-419-6522
Family Prescription Center: 439 Wyandotte Street Bethlehem, PA 18015 | 610-866-0709
FOR STUDENTS: Even when the Health & Wellness Center is closed, by calling our main number (610-758-3870) through a partnership with Lehigh Valley Health Network, students can get in touch with a Triage Registered Nurse for health issues that are non-emergent, but cannot wait until the next day. When students call our line after hours, there will be a prompt for them to select that will automatically connect them to the LVHN triage nurse department. A summary of the encounter will be sent to The HWC for a Provider to review the following day.
In the case you are having a medical emergency while the Health & Wellness Center is closed please take one of the following actions:
1. If you are on Lehigh's campus call the Lehigh University Campus Safety at:
2. If you are not on Lehigh's campus call the Police Department at:
Lehigh's Counseling & Psychological Services also has an after-hours crisis counseling hotline. This can be reached by dialing 610-758-3880 and then pressing "0" - this will allow you to speak to their counselor on call.
Treatment and health related care that students receive in the Health and Wellness Center is confidential. Except for in the case of a serious health emergency, students are responsible for communicating with their parents or guardians regarding a health issue if they should choose to do so. Parents contacting the Health and Wellness Center with questions regarding student’s health, treatment provided or bills received will be referred back to the student. Students can contact the HWC by phone or through the confidential health portal with any questions that they may have.
At certain times of the year (Beginning of a semester, Cold/Flu season, Allergy Season) the demand for appointments increases. Every effort is made to schedule students when they call. However, if symptoms require immediate attention, or services we are unable to do in the office (such as x-ray or imaging) off-campus, or after hours resources may be recommended and provided.