Lehigh University’s Health & Wellness Center understands the needs for privacy in a young adult’s life and ensures the right to confidentiality for all students who visit our facility. We do not discuss student’s protected health information (PHI) with anyone, including parents, without explicit written consent by the student. It is the student’s responsibility to notify and discuss their medical visit with their parents if they so choose. At the students request, a record release form can be published to the portal for them to complete, on which they are able to specify what documented encounter we may release or discuss, and with whom. However, in the event of a serious life-threatening emergency, the student’s emergency contact will be notified. We believe it is our duty as health care professionals within an educational institution to teach our students how to take responsibility for their own health and be active participants in their own well-being.

As in any health care facility, Lehigh’s Health & Wellness Center is bound by the laws of HIPPA which ensures patients have their PHI remain confidential. You can find more about HIPAA and PHI here:

Your rights under HIPAA | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

What is PHI? | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


As a health center within an educational institution, we are also bound by the rules of FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act.) This law ensures the confidentiality of students’ educational records, which includes their health records found at the Health & Wellness Center. You can learn more about FERPA here: 


Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act | U.S. Department of Education


Please view the Health & Wellness Center’s official Notice of Privacy here:

Privacy Policy.docx