The Health & Wellness Center does not charge a fee for most office visits and services. However, there are some office visits and services that do have an associated charge as indicated in the table below.

For these services, we accept payment by cash, or we can bill the student's bursar account. Any encounter that incurs a charge will have both a summary, and receipt available on the Student Health Portal. Students may then submit a claim to their health insurance plan for reimbursement. The Health & Wellness Center is not able to bill insurance directly as we are not contracted with any insurance carrier.

*Please be advised that the fees listed below are approximate and subject to change to the prices in effect at the time of delivery.


Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Testing


HPV Vaccine (Gardasil)

$289.00 per injection

Herpes Testing

$30.00 minimum - additional cost for typing

Meningitis Vaccine (MCV4, Menveo)


Meningitis B Vaccine (Bexsero)

$181 per injection

Meningitis B Vaccine (Trumenba)

$180 per injection

Pap Smear

$55.00 minimum - additional cost if HPV testing indicated

Plan B (Emergency Contraception)

Sore Throat Lozenges$3.00 Non menthol $4.00 menthol

Study Abroad Physical


Driver's License Exam & Form completion


Tdap Vaccine (BOOSTRIX)



There is a fee for most prescription and OTC medications 

dispensed at the Health & Wellness Center


These medications range in price from $3-$15