• Share poster/flyer in at least two GroupMes
  • Market on InstagramLINCUniversity Announcements
  • Have the Brown & White do a pre-event write-up
  • Invite other members or peers outside of the group to attend. If possible, have members bring at least two people to the event
  • Submit to be featured on the LehighU Instagram account
  • Submit your flyer through the Digital Information Board (DIBS)
  • Posters for Free Standing Poster Frames: There are multiple free-standing poster displays located on campus:https://studentaffairs.lehigh.edu/content/free-standing-poster-display-form
  • Sidewalk chalk can be used on outdoor sidewalks and macadam only.

    Side walk chalk must be water-soluble chalk and used only on a horizontal walking/driving surface that is

    exposed to the weather elements.  The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, spray chalk, or other products in aerosol containers is

    prohibited.  Water-soluble chalk is temporary and usually is generally removed by the next rain/snow. Permanent Marker (spray chalk) is prohibited as it can be in place for months defacing the surface and requiring staff intensive labor to be removed. Chalking is prohibited on all buildings, bus stops, columns, doors, fountains, indoor and outdoor furniture, light posts, signs, planters, poles, trees, vertical surfaces, walls, waste receptacles, etc.

    Offensive or inappropriate content is prohibited and may be referred for disciplinary action.

Yard Signs:

The primary function of a yard sign is to provide information about an

upcoming event, university campaign, or to provide wayfinding/directions to a campus

event. Any other use of yard signs is prohibited.

Yard sign specifications are as follows:

● The yard signs must be advertising an event or directional arrows to an event.

● Designated spaces for lawn signs include:

■ Along Memorial Walkway from the flagpole eastward towards Taylor Drive across

from Taylor Gym

■ Perimeter along the walkways of STEPS lawn

● The yard signs must include the event/activity name with an ending date.

■ Date - Time - Location

■ Brief description

■ Any links - QR. Any linked information must adhere to University policies.

■ Sponsoring Organization - Contact email must be in a font of 24 point or larger

■ Sponsoring Organization(s) - Logos

● The yard signs must be no larger than 24 inches by 18 inches.

● The yard signs must include the name of the sponsoring organization.

● The yard signs may only be placed in lawn (grass) areas along the designated

walkways, within three feet of either side of the walkway, and at least four feet from any

other sign.

● Yard signs must be professionally printed and placed in the ground with a wire

stake or similar device.

● Yard signs advertising events must not be displayed for more than two weeks

and must be removed within 48 hours after the day of the event. Any sign not removed

within this time is subject to removal and disposal with the possibility of being charged

by Facilities Department.

● Yard signs that indicate directions to an event must be removed within 48 hours

after the event.

● There must not be more than 10 signs per event unless permission has been

granted in advance by Student Center Operations. Note: This permission will only be

granted to large, campus-wide events such as Orientation, Alumni Reunion, etc.

● Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis as determined by the Campus

Engagement Advisory Group in consultation with campus leadership.