Bulletin boards are available throughout the buildings for the posting of notices by staff. Posting is not permitted on fire doors, walls, room doors, vents, or ceilings.

 Any signs that are posted improperly will be removed by staff.

 How to Post Notices

If you have a flyer you would like to share with residents to help promote an upcoming program/event/opportunity/etc.

please email a digital copy of the flyer to inlife@lehigh.edu and /or infrasor@lehigh.edu


Residence Life will post the flyer to their Gryphon Website so it is available to all of the Gryphons to then share out with their community.

Fraternity & Sorority Affairs will distribute the digital flyers via email to Chapter Presidents and House Managers.


Please note we are trying to limit distribution of printed promotional materials, and digital copies are preferred.  If your marketing materials are only available in printed form, please email inlife@lehigh.edu  or infrasor@lehigh.edu to discuss a plan. 

Please note residential building postings are for Lehigh student, organization, staff, or faculty hosted events or offerings. Posting will not be accepted from non-Lehigh establishments or businesses. Outdated postings will be removed by residential staff. Improper postings may result in loss of posting privilege and/or responsibility for damages.