Medical essentials for every student:
- Cloth face covering (wash regularly)
- Hand sanitizer
- Insurance card (we recommend you keep a picture of your card on your cell phone)
- A thermometer is important and SO helpful to the Health and Wellness Center staff if you check your temperature in your residence when you are feeling feverish or chilled.
- Fever/pain reducers *caution: body aches and fever may indicate COVID-19, contact the Health & Wellness Center if you're experiencing these symptoms*:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Ibuprofen (Advil)
- Gastrointestinal medicines *caution: GI symptoms may indicate COVID-19, contact the Health & Wellness Center if you're experiencing these symptoms*:
- Pepto-Bismol for multiple symptoms
- Loperamide (Imodium) for diarrhea
- Antacids (Mylanta, Maalox, Tums) for occasional heartburn
- First Aid Supplies
- Bandage strips and "butterfly" bandages in assorted sizes
- Adhesive tape
- Elastic wrap bandages
- Nonstick sterile bandages and roller gauze in assorted sizes
- Instant cold packs
- Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
- Disposable non-latex examination gloves, several pairs
- Duct tape
- Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
- Plastic bags, assorted sizes
- Safety pins in assorted sizes
- Scissors and tweezers
- Hand sanitizer
- Antibiotic ointment
- Antiseptic solution and towelettes
- Eyewash solution
- Sterile saline for irrigation, flushing
- Hydrogen peroxide to disinfect