Individual tutoring sessions are one-on-one 45 minute sessions.  Tutors are undergraduate students who possess excellent interpersonal skills and have demonstrated a strong commitment to assisting students academically.  Students attending an individual tutoring session benefit from one-on-one discussions about complex course concepts.

There is individual tutoring available for the following courses:  ACCT 151, CHM 030, CHM 031, CHM 040, CSE 003, CSE 007, CSE 017, CSE 140, ECO 45, ENGR 010, MATH 021, MATH 022, MATH 051, MATH 052,  MATH 075, MATH 076, MATH 081, MGT 043, and PHY 011.

Tutoring will begin on Monday, February 3 and end on Friday, May 2.

Please click this link to view the individual tutoring schedule.  


Individual Tutoring Registration

Individual Tutoring Registration

Please be sure to read the instructions below about how to select an individual session.

Directions for Joining an Individual Tutoring Session

  1. Enter your Lehigh credentials (user ID and password)
  2. In order to schedule an individual tutoring session, click "Book Appointment" in the top right corner.
  3. This will reveal a drop down menu item.  Click "Individual Tutoring."
  4. Filter the list by which subject for which you would like tutoring.
  5. Once you have found a day and time that work for you, click "Submit"
  6. You can click "My schedule" to see your upcoming tutoring appointments.
  7. Hover your cursor over the appointment, to see the course, time, location, and tutor's name.      

Scheduling an indivudual tutoring session is a commitment.  If you miss two (2) tutoring sessions, you will be unable to schedule future sessions.  If you know in advance that you will be missing a session, please cancel your session as soon as possible.