The Center offers tutoring in select introductory and 100-level courses in Physics, Chemistry, Math, Accounting, Economics, Engineering, and Finance. Tutoring is frequently offered in the following courses.  (Please note we do not guarantee tutoring in the courses on this list.)

ACCT 151 Intro to Financial Acct
ACCT 152 Intro to Managerial Acct

Biological Sciences
BIOS 041 Bio Core I: Cellular & Molecular (spring)
BIOS 115 Bio Core II: Genetics (fall)

BSTA 101 Population Health Data Science I

CHM 030 Intro to Chem Principles
CHM 031 Chem Equil in Aqueous Sys
CHM 040/041 Concepts, Models & Experiments I & II**
CHM 110/112 Organic Chem I & II

Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 003 Introduction to Programming Part A
CSE 007 Introduction to Programming
CSE 017 Structured Prog & Data Structures 
CSE 109 Systems Software
CSE 140 Foundations of Discrete Structures and Algorithms

ECO 001 Principles of Economics
ECO 045 Statistical Methods
ECO 119 Macroeconomics
ECO 146 Applied Micro

ENGR 010 Applied Engineering Computer Methods
CHE 031 Mat & Energy Bal Che Proc
ECE 033 Intro to Computer Engr
ECE 081 Principles of Electrical Engr
ECE 083 Intro to Electrical Engineering (spring)
ECE 108 Signals & Systems
MAT 033 Eng. Materials & Processes
MECH 003 Fund. of Engineering Mechanics
MECH 012 Strength of Materials
MECH 102 Dynamics
ME 104 Thermodynamics

FIN 125 Intro to Finance

MATH 012 Basic Statistics
MATH 021 Calculus I
MATH 022 Calculus II
MATH 023 Calculus III
MATH 051/052 Survey of Calculus I & II
MATH 075/076
MATH 081 Calculus w/Business Applications
MATH 205
MATH 231 Probability and Statistics

MGT 043 Organizational Behavior

PHY 011 Intro Physics I
PHY 010/013 General Physics I & II - Please contact Dr. Cereghetti for information about tutoring in this course
PHY 021 Intro Physics II