A fixed commitment calendar provides you with an aerial view of your weekly schedule. It can help you stay organized and know what to anticipate from day to day. A fixed commitment calendar is also a great tool to use for planning out your study time. You may choose to use a Google Calendar, a paper planner, or whatever works for you! 

To get started, fill in your weekly time-bound commitments such as your classes, labs, recurring meetings, and work schedule. 

Next, add in time for taking care of yourself and your space (sleep, eating, exercise, laundry, showering, cleaning, etc.) Tip: It is beneficial to keep a regular sleep schedule to maintain consistent energy throughout the day. Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day - even if your class schedule varies day to day! 

Then add in time for studying. Keep in mind that you should spend about 2-3 hours per week outside of class studying for every one credit hour (ex: 3 credit class = 6-9 hours of studying). Studying can include homework, tutoring, practice problems, reading, rewriting notes, visiting professor’s office hours, research, writing, etc. 

Finally, be sure to add time for fun such as attending events, spending time with friends, exploring South Bethlehem, and more.

Feel free to customize this in a way that works for you! Try color coding or, if using Google Calendar, you can add layers to the calendar for different types of appointments.

7amWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfastWake up, get ready, breakfast
8amFree timeBIO 101StudyBIO 101StudyBIO LabClean
9amStudyBIO 101StudyBIO 101StudyStudyLaundry
10amStudyStudyENGL 005StudyENGL 005Work studyClean
11amStudyStudyENGL 005StudyENGL 005Work studyStudy
1pmTutoringStudyStudyStudyWork studyStudyLU Football game
2pmTutoringHIST 112Office hourHIST 112Work studyStudyLU Football game
3pmStudyHIST 112MATH 044HIST 112MATH 044StudyLU Football game
4pmStudy Study MATH 044 Office hourMATH 044StudyLU Football game
5pmStudyWork outStudyWork outStudyWork outStudy
7pmFree timeClub mtgStudyStudyStudyLAD eventFree time
8pmFree timeTutoringStudyClub mtgStudyLAD eventFree time
9pmFree timeTutoringStudyStudyStudyLAD eventFree time
10pmPrep for tomorrowPrep for tomorrowPrep for tomorrowPrep for tomorrow Prep for tomorrowPrep for tomorrowPrep for tomorrow