How to Apply

  1. Submit your application through the link below. We accept applications year round, but we do the majority of our hiring late spring for the following fall semester.

Apply to Become a Peer Tutor

Apply Now

2. Kindly request that your Professor submits this form recommending you for the peer tutor position. 

Applicants will be evaluated based on academic performance, the application, the faculty recommendation and the interview.

Endorsement of Peer Tutor Candidate

(Professors Only)

Submit Recommendation Form


Information for new tutors

  • Applicants who are selected to become tutors must complete a mandatory tutor orientation program prior to beginning tutoring.
  • New tutors who have never worked on campus must complete the following payroll forms prior to beginning tutoring**:
  1. I-9 Form and Instructions (The I-9 form requires that you present either your U.S. passport or social security card. Please make arrangements to have one of these documents on campus with you.)
  2. 2024 W-4 form
  3. Act 32 (Local Tax) - Residency Certification Form (If you are a domestic student, you will be using your permanent home address.  If you are an international student, you will be using your campus or local address.)
  • Tutors may opt to have their pay checks deposited directly into their bank accounts. If you wish to have direct deposit, please also complete the direct deposit authorization form.