Students who are eligible for testing accommodations through Disability Support Services (DSS) must share their accommodation letter with their faculty members and discuss the provision of the accommodations for each of their classes.  

For exams, in particular, it is important that students contact their instructors as soon as possible and no later than five (5) business days before the exam if they need testing accommodations.  Students who fail to contact their professor five (5) business days (7 days, or 168 hours) before the exam, are at risk of not receiving their eligible testing accomodation.  If the instructor and the department are not able to proctor the exam, students will submit a Testing Services Request Form five (5) business days before the exam to be reviewed and confirmed by the faculty and the Center for Academic Success. Please note that proctoring requests are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.    

Final exams requests must be requested by Tuesday, April 22.


Overall, [Testing Services] was an IMMENSE help. I used it for students who had extended time and could not stay late or start early, or for students who needed reduced distraction environments. These are normally challenging to accommodate, so it is incredibly valuable to have this resource.

Faculty FAQs

  • There is significant benefit for students to take their examinations with their instructors and so it is important to explore all options to this end.  Rescheduling exams for students who are not able to start or complete the exam during the scheduled exam period or exploring options for proctoring by academic department staff and/or graduate students can be considered.  It is important to note that our testing services are limited and we may not be able to fulfill all requests.   

  • No, students should submit their own exam requests via Accommodate. This encourages students to serve as the responsible party for their individual accommodations and needs.

  • Testing Services is currently not a drop-in service. We schedule our graduate student proctors hourly as exam requests are submitted, as there are periods where we have many students taking exams every day of the week and periods where we are only proctoring exams for a couple of students in a week. Because our schedule fluctuates with the semester, we do not have proctors available at all times. Requiring students to schedule their exams with us on Accommodate allows us to schedule our proctors, reserve testing room space, and make the preparations necessary for students' specific accommodations.

  • At the moment, only students with approved accommodations through Disability Support Services can utilize Testing Services. Occasionally, students can receive temporary accommodations depending on the circumstances, to be approved by the Dean of Students. 

  • Instructors have a choice in how they deliver and pick up exams. You can (1) upload a copy of the exam to Accommodate with a helpful document title (course code/section and date of exam or student name), (2) send a copy of the exam to us via email (, or (3) drop off a hard copy of the exam to Williams Hall Room 441 (if Cami is not present to take the exam copy, it can be left in the white box labeled "Exam Drop Box"). Exams must be received 24 hours in advance, or the exam will need to be rescheduled. 

  • When you send the exam copy to us, please let us know how you would like the completed exam copy returned. We can (1) scan and upload the exam to Accommodate, (2) scan and email the exam to you, (3) send the hard copy to your office via internal campus mail, or (4) keep the exam in the office, Williams 441, to be picked up by you (or a designated TA, work study student, department colleague, etc.)

  • We will contact you to see if you or your department is able to proctor the exam given the change in schedule.  If not, we will reschedule the exam based on your guidance and the student's schedule.

  • We will send all relevant information to the instructor and the Office of Student Conduct.

  • Students requesting to use the restroom will sign out and in and note the time of the exit and reentrance.  The proctor will initial each break time.  Unless stated in the student's accommodation, the time during the break will be counted as part of the exam time (ie: the exam clock will not stop for breaks).  The proctor will include the break time log with the testing materials when they are returned.

  • Testing services will attempt to fulfill requests for specific start and end times of an exam; however, there may be some cases when this is not possible.  In the event that we are unable to meet the timing request of an instructor, we will communicate alternative available times.

  • We will email you if a student cancels their session with advance notice or if they do not attend.  We will request your guidance for next steps.  If the exam is to be rescheduled with testing services, we can provide information about scheduling availability.  

  • Testing Services will return exams within one (1) business day of the exam being completed. If you would like the exam immediately after it is completed, please contact Testing Services ( to alert us that you or a proxy will pick up the completed exam from the Testing Center, Williams 451. We will work with you and our proctor staff to communicate where you may pick up the exam.

  • Yes! We store all of the students' completed exams and exam materials in a locked space until the end of the semester. These exams are then shredded to prevent the exam information from being leaked.