Summer Tutoring

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Virtual tutoring is available for Lehigh students enrolled in summer coursework. Students are able to choose the length of their tutoring sessions (options include 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes) as well as how often they would like to meet (once, every other week, once a week, twice a week, or three times a week). Once we receive your request, we will email you to connect you with a tutor. The tutor and the student will decide on a mutually agreeable schedule.

Tutoring will begin on Monday, May 20 and end on Thursday, August 8.
Summer Session I Courses:  May 20-June 29  
  • BIOS 041
  • CHM 030, 031
  • ECO 001, 045, 119 146
  • FIN 125
  • MATH 021, 022, 023, 051, 081, 205
Summer Session II Courses:  July 1-August 8
  • ECO 001, 119
  • MATH 000, 021, 022, 023, 052, 205
Attendance policy: You are expected to attend the tutoring sessions you schedule. If your plans change and you are no longer able to attend the tutoring session, please email your tutor with at least six (6) hours of advance notice. 
This is a pilot program and we are eager to hear your feedback! 
Please fill out this brief survey to share your thoughts or email us directly at
Summer Tutoring
Request a Tutor