Peer Tutoring

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The Center for Academic Success offers tutoring in select first-year and sophomore-level courses free of charge to students. Tutoring begins the third week of class during the fall and spring semesters and continues through the last week of class.  We encourage students to come in for tutoring early and to use it often for best results.  Our tutors are upper class peers who have excelled in the course and received faculty recommendations.

Summer tutoring is available for select courses:

  • Summer Session I: BIOS 041, CHM 030, CHM 031, ECO 001, ECO 045, ECO 119, ECO 146, FIN 125, MATH 021, MATH 022, MATH 023, MATH 051, MATH 081, MATH 205
  • Summer Session II: ECO 001, ECO 119, ECO 146, MATH 000, MATH 021, MATH 022, MATH 023, MATH 052, MATH 205 

Click the link below to learn more about summer tutoring and to request a tutor. 


Summer Tutoring
Learn more about summer tutoring and to request a tutor!
In which courses does the Center for Academic Success offer tutoring?
What do I do if the Center for Academic Success does not offer tutoring in my course?
  • Visit the Professor, TA, or lab instructor associated with the course during office hours. Be sure to go prepared with questions about course material!
  • Form your own study group! Review notes, solve problems, discuss key course concepts, quiz each other, and much more. 
  • Be sure to use your textbook as best you can, including any accompanying resources and websites. These often contain various study guides and aids.
  • If you are having difficulty in a MATH course, you may visit the Writing and Math Center located in Drown Hall 110 and/or you can use the Math Help Center located in Chandler-Ullman
  • It is possible that by improving your time management and/or your study skills you would improve your performance in the course. You can request an appointment with our study skills consultant by filling out our study skill request form.
  • Seek out a private tutor on your own. Ask the department or faculty if they know of a grad or undergrad who may be willing to work with you for a small fee. (The Center can not arrange private tutoring.)
Other tutoring resources

InstaEDU - Personal tutoring anytime (online personal tutoring for a fee)

Chemistry Notes & Problems (notes and practice problems on a large number of topics from Purdue University)

Subject Specific Tutorials at Khan Academy (with an emphasis on chemistry, biology, math, and economics)

Calculus Help (basic calculus tutorials on limits, continuity, and derivatives)

Just Math Tutorials (free math videos -- including calculus)**

Paul's Online Math Notes (site with free notes and tutorials for Calculus I, II, and III)

Physics Tutorials (from W.W. Norton and Company)

Accounting Help (free explanations, quizzes, questions, etc. from Accounting Coach)