About Registration and Scheduling

All of our services are scheduled remotely through WCOnline. To register and use our services, head to mywco.com/lehighwmc. For more information about our tutoring services, you can check out each of our schedules below.  


Register and schedule using our online software.

Click here to head to WCOnline

Please follow the instructions below to register and use our online scheduling software:    

Register for an account

On Lehigh's WMC WCOnline, click on “Register for an account." You can then fill out the form to create your account. (Note: you must use your Lehigh email address to register.)

Head to our WCOnline.

Fill out registration form

Fill out the form to create your account. Make sure to fill out the registration form completely and to create a password with at least 10 characters.

Choose schedule from login page

You must select at least one of the schedules to login from the login page. You may also choose to "Stay logged in."

Choose schedule once logged in

If you have already logged in and wish to switch to a different schedule, select a new one from the drop down menu.

Choose an Appointment

All available appointments are displayed in white. You may need to navigate to a different day to find an opening.

Appointment Forms

For each of the schedules, you can click on the appointment space of your preference to bring up an appointment form. Appointment forms will look different for each schedule, so make sure to read it and fill it out carefully.

Graduate Writing Tutoring

To utilize the Graduate Writer's Studio, make sure to check out their WCOnline version below.

Click Here