The Online Writing Lab enables you to submit up to 10 pages of writing and receive written feedback from a tutor within 1 business day from the day of their appointment (not counting weekends or holidays). Simply upload your draft into the system and the system will email you the tutor's comments and notes once completed. A quick and easy way to get help with your writing.


WCOnline should email you the tutor's comments and notes once it's completed, but you should also be able to login to your WCOnline account to access it at any time. If you have any questions, please contact us (incent@lehigh.edu).


NOTE: Online Writing Conferences are recommended for students who wish to work on grammar.


Online Writing Lab

Head to our OWL schedule to make an appointment now!

OWL Scheduling Here

Please follow the instructions below to submit your paper to the OWL:    

Drop Down Menu

Select the OWL schedule either on the sign on page or from the pull down menu at the top of the page once you've signed in.

OWL Scheduling Here

OWL Schedule

Click on the earliest available white block from any tutor. (All available OWL appointments will be a white colored block). NOTE: If no white blocks are visible, that means there are no OWL appointments left for that day, and the next day should be used.

OWL Scheduling Here

Appointment Form

Enter all required information in the form that pops up.

OWL Scheduling Here

Upload Files

Make sure to attach your draft as a .doc or .docx file at the bottom of the appointment form. You may also upload assignment sheets, professor feedback, etc. as separate documents.

OWL Scheduling Here

Create Appointment


OWL Scheduling Here

Commonly Asked Questions

You can have up to 2 appointments per week (Online Writing Conferences and OWL combined). 

All tutoring at the center is completely free!

We tutor for any kind of writing at any stage of the writing process. Have a business memo? Application? etc.? We tutor for it! Want to work on organization, editing strategies, or brainstorming? We've got you covered. (Brainstorming only recommended for Online Writing Conferences, not OWL). 

No, but we're happy to help you with learning and practicing grammar.

For your writing, please use a .doc or .docx file. Instructions, professor feedback, and other documents for your tutor's reference could also be a .PDF in addition to the .doc or .docx file.