Writing Center Guidelines and Procedures

  1. I understand that my tutor will not fix my paper for me.

  2. I understand that my writing tutor is not my editor or proofreader. I am responsible for writing, revising, and correcting my own work. If I need help with grammar, my tutor can teach me grammar rules, but he or she will not correct my grammar for me.

  3. I will come prepared for each tutoring session with two copies of my paper, a writing utensil, and assignment sheet (if necessary). I will also come ready to share my goals for the session with my tutor. We prioritize high order concerns but can also help with other types of issues:

Argument/IdeasTransitionsWord Choice
  1. My tutor is not a substitute for my instructor. I will ask my instructor questions about the course or assignment.

  2. I understand that tutoring does not guarantee a particular grade. My tutor has no bearing on what grade the final product receives.

  3. I understand that tutoring opportunities are limited to two sessions per week, including in-person and OWL sessions. 

  4. I understand Lehigh’s policy on plagiarism and academic honesty and will ask my tutor or my instructor if I have questions about these policies.

  5. I may be denied tutoring if I make appointments and don’t come to them, if I am late, or if I am not prepared.

  1. If I need to cancel an appointment, I will cancel the appointment at least 30 minutes before hand.


Student works from laptop.

Writing Conferences

Learn more about our synchronous remote tutoring.

Tutor reviews paper

Online Writing Lab

Learn more about our online paper submission tutoring.

Graduate Writer's Studio

Are you a graduate student? There are more writing tutoring services available to you!

Click here to learn more about graduate writing tutoring.