Our mission is to provide support and resources for new students and their families. We know there is a lot to learn before and during your first-year at Lehigh from Lehigh Lingo, to classes, and getting involved on campus. We hope to answer some of those frequently asked questions and ease the transition by providing some quick and easy links in this section. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for.
- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - Commonly asked questions on a variety of topics from orientation to technology
- LEHIGH LINGO - Terms that many students will incorporate into their vocabulary while attending Lehigh
- QUICK LINKS - Links to commonly used resources on campus
- ACADEMIC CONTACTS - Important contacts in the academic colleges and specific programs
- GETTING TO AND FROM LEHIGH - Find information on bus services, air travel, off-campus transportation, and on-campus transportation
- STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS - Incoming students can read copies of emails sent this summer
- ASSESSMENT DATA - First-Year, Orientation, preLUsion and Parent and Family Feedback