Begin your journey at Lehigh through service! As a participant of VE, you will spend three days interacting with the local Bethlehem community, engaging in meaningful conversation and service, with local agencies and your fellow first years. During the evenings, participants will take part in fun events with other volunteers to get to know your new home and new friends. We will also be going on a special outing on the 2nd night.

VE is hosted by the Community Service Office and provides a great pathway to continue serving throughout your time at Lehigh. Trips are led by community-oriented, upper-class students who have experience in the South Bethlehem community. They will be there to answer any questions you may have about their experience as students, classes, and fun things to do in the area.. 

Some issues/community initiatives you may work with include:

  • Food Insecurity
  • Environmentalism
  • Local schools in the Bethlehem Area School District
  • Homelessness
  • Cultural Centers

Cost: $275          Capacity: 25

Minimum number of participants required for the program to run: 10