The Wells One Expense Manager is the online system used for Reimbursements for Student Senate Clubs and Organizations. 

To begin the REIMBURSEMENT Process you will need to submit the User Agreement Docusign form.  Please NOTE that this User Agreement (DocuSign) is specifically for Undergrad Student Senate Clubs and Organizations.
The information below will be REQUIRED to enter, when prompted on the form. Click Finish when done.
By completing this form you'll be able to receive the login credentials to the WOEM online system and begin to request reimbursements.

-When Prompted: Secondary Approver is Brooke Novotnak Miers at 
-When prompted: Check the CCER System Out-Of-Pocket Only, select the name of your club from the drop down box.
-When Prompted for Allow Cash Advance, ENTER $0.

QUICK Easy Guide for Senate Clubs & Orgs Reimbursement Process!

User Agreement Form to Request Reimbursements

Required Forms for Student Clubs & Organizations (Senate Recognized)

Students are REQUIRED to view only Cardholder, Reconciling, Disputing Transactions, Receipt Manager and Cash Expenses.  
Click on the appropriate radio button to view that specific category.

FAQ for Financial Procedures - Clubs & Organizations

  • You will receive two secure emails directly from Wells Fargo (Please allow 24-48)
    Emails will contain the company ID, user name and a temporary password (you can change your temporary password). You will need to use that information to log into the WOEM system. DO NOT SHARE THE INFORMATION WITH ANYONE! Please be sure to have your personal bank information handy before signing on to the system (routing/account numbers). Your bank information is needed in order for you to get reimbursed directly deposited into your bank account.  

  • Students are REQUIRED to code and upload receipts on a weekly basis by logging into the WOEM System and clicking the COMPLETE button (when done). This is what notifies the approver to review your reimbursement request for Approval.

  • For Student Senate Recognized Clubs and Organizations the Primary Approver is Evelynda Santos!

-When you log into the Wells One system to add a cash expense, the Spend wizard is required. Please put the amount in the spend wizard and not the transaction itself, CASH EXPENSES MUST BE ENTERED WITHIN 30 DAYS for reimbursement! No Exceptions!
-You will need to upload the receipt and enter the index number for your club. The index number starts with 615_ _ _ and it can be found on your Club's LINC page in the Finance tab.
-Enter the GL Code (if unsure what to enter, here's a guide with codes). 
-Then enter the Lehigh ID (EVS411ST) 
-Please be clear when typing in the Description box about your reimbursement (reference to Who, What, Why, Name and date of event). Also add, if the reimbursement should come out of the Club Funds or Senate Funds.
-If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Evelynda Santos at 

  • If the approval does not happen that week, the transaction (s) will roll to the following week.  ​You will then get reimbursed via direct deposit into the personal bank account you've entered into the system a few days later. If you have any questions, please email

Cash advance to purchase items for an event or club meeting.

Step 1:
Students that need a cash advance will have to come to the Office of Student Involvement to get a sign and approved Cash Advance slip (from Coordinator). After you receive your slip, you must email the to make an appointment. A link will be sent back to you so that you can make the appointment for the cash advance pick up.  When the appointment is made with the Bursar's office, you can pick up your cash with your signed/approved slip. The appointment must be made at least 24-48 hrs in advance! 

Step 2:
After purchasing your items for your club/event you will need to bring all receipts and any change leftover back to the Office of Student Involvement to fill out the Settlement Form and take it back to the Bursar's Office. This needs to be done within a 2 week time frame. 


  • Cash Advance is a 2 step process - Cash Advance Slip and Settlement Form

  • Must Settle within the 2 Week frame

  • $500 is the limit for Cash Advance

  • Food can't be purchased with Cash Advance 

If you have any questions regarding this process please email Thank you!

To Deposit (Cash or Checks) received from Membership dues, Donations, Fundraisers etc, MUST be deposited into your club account.  You may not have a separate bank account for the club.  To make a wire transfer you must fill out the Deposit Google Form and follow the instructions in the form. The form has the wiring information. If external Sponsors and/or Donors would like to donate/sponsor funds to your club, they can make their payment online at

To deposit funds to your account please note the following:

  • Deposits can be made Monday-Friday during the business hours of 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

  •  To make a deposit, please visit the Office of Student Involvement at Clayton University Center, 2nd floor in room 229. You must fill out the deposit envelope and hand it to the Coordinator, or put it in the Safe Deposit Box if the Coordinator is not available.

  • Checks should be made payable to “Lehigh University” and on the memo line you can add your club name/org. Checks should not be made payable to a club officer’s name, such as the Treasurer’s name.  Also, do not deposit checks made payable to a charity (ex. American Cancer Society), these checks must be forwarded to the charitable organization.  

Donations Received

You may receive donations from businesses, parents, students or alumni.  Deposit these donations as explained above and clearly label the deposit envelope as “Donation.” 
To acknowledge a gift, it is necessary to have the following information: Donor's name, mailing address, type and amount of gift, purpose of gift. 
*Please note that you may accept an unsolicited gift from a donor, however, if you wish to actively campaign for funds from sources outside the University, you must coordinate those efforts with the University Development Office. 

If you have invoices that requires payment (External or Internal), please contact and email the invoice. The Coordinator will get the paperwork to the Controller's Office for processing and a check will be mailed to the customer/company.
(Member dues to Headquarters, Merchandise purchases etc). 

For Event Agreements and/or Contracts, please reach out to Nick Christy at (Photographers, Disc Jockeys, Performers, Blue Chip Sound etc).  

Below are bulleted items for reconciling your transactions. Some things to note before that:

1. You must enter your personal banking information into the new system.

• Enter your Wells Fargo credentials as you normally do

• Click WellsOne Expense Manager

• On the top right-hand side, click on your name

• Click Personal Settings

• Under the person image on the left, click Reimbursement Account

• Enter your routing number and account number

• Check the account type (either checking or savings)

• Check the “I Accept”

• Click Save

2. To Add a Cash Expense (Formerly OOP)

• Click on Expenses

• Click the blue Add button on the left

• Click Cash Expense

• Enter a brief description for your transaction

• Select the date of the transaction (Note: Must be after 11/2/2022. If the transaction occurred prior to 11/2, please note that in the Business Purpose/Description)

i. Also note, as per the policy regarding reimbursements, transactions are required to be entered within 30 days of the purchase

Do NOT enter your transaction amount here

• Click Next

• Select from one of the following: Air Travel, Lodging, Meals/Entertainment, Office, Transportation

• Enter the amount in the appropriate field (ex: if needing to be reimbursed for a meal, enter the amount in the Meal – Entertainment field, enter the number of employees)

• Click next

• The amount will be transferred to the transaction page

• Select the GL Code: For Business Meal/Mtg (73430), for Educational Supplies (72020), if unsure please use Miscellaneous (73440)

• Select the Lehigh ID of your Primary Approver (EVS411ST) for Student Senate Recognized Clubs and Orgs. (You can click favorite and then select to save you steps in the future)

• Select the index (This is your club account and can be found in you Club's page in LINC on the Finance Tab, you can click favorite and then select to save you steps in the future)

• Enter your Business Purpose

• If the transaction is $25 or greater, click Link Receipt on the top right

i. For mileage, please use mapquest or similar website, pdf the miles and attach is your receipt.

ii. For Per Diem, please use the Domestic or Foreign websites to get rate for area. PDF information and attach as receipt

• Click Update to save or Complete to send to approver

You should receive your credentials between 24 to 48 hours.  Please be aware during holidays and/or weekends there may be a slight delay.  


For Student Senate recognized Clubs and Orgs the Primary Approver and Authorized Signer is Evelynda Santos at  The secondary Approver is Brooke Novotnak at
(When filling out the User Agreement Form, it is suggested that the primary approver for clubs and Orgs be the person responsible for the index number, they must be an authorized signer on that index number) ​

Submit the User agreement docusign for reimbursement request found on the OSI website and enter the important information as prompted on the page. 


You have 30 days from the purchase to submit your receipt in the WOEM system in order to receive your reimbursement. 


General Fundraising Guidance

  • Fundraising initiatives must be approved by the CEAG or Student Involvement/Student Center Facilities Staff Member

    • Rationale: Branding rights, risk assessment, policy review with financial deposits

  • Fundraisers by Student Groups must be submitted through the Event Planning Form on LINC for review and approval a minimum of two weeks prior to the proposed event

  • Neither individuals (regardless of affiliations with Lehigh University) nor private, commercial organizations may sell or promote the sale of products or services on University owned, operated, or controlled property except:

  • Individuals or organizations with whom Lehigh University has entered into a written agreement

  • Individuals or organizations authorized in writing by Lehigh University to engage in the sales of goods or services for the benefit of a recognized student organization

Additional Restrictions and Requirements

Lehigh University acknowledges that we are not able to anticipate every issue and endeavor that may arise with respect to fundraising activities.  As a result, the University will review risk, facilities, and other safety. The University also reserves the right to impose restrictions and/or requirements as deemed appropriate including time, place, and manner of fundraising activities.

Failure to obtain permission to engage in or sponsor sales or fundraising activities, or failure to adhere to the University’s policy regarding activities for which permission has been granted, will result in curtailment and/or cancellation of the event by the Office of Student Involvement/Student Center Facilities or other appropriate University official.

Recognized clubs and organizations violating the Fundraising Policy may be subject to the following:

  • Loss of the right to use Lehigh facilities for meeting, events, or programs

  • Loss of recognized club or organization status

  • Referral to the University Committee on Discipline as the judicial system which has jurisdiction over complaints against any student or recognized student organization(s) alleged to have violated this policy

    • Disciplinary sanctions

    • Other educational stations appropriate to the circumstances

  • Fines and/or restitution including loss of funding for a determined period of time

A student declining balance card is used to purchase items needed for an event or general body meetings for your respective club and/or organization. It begins with a Preloaded Balance for the academic year. This will need to be approved by the Office of Student Involvement. 


Not every club is qualified for the student declining balance card. There is a criteria and an approval process from the Office of Student Involvement for clubs and orgs that may be eligible. 


Your club must: 

• Be a Sponsored Club
• Have a Minimum Budget of $8,500 in your Club/Senate funds account 
• Must be an Active club for more than 3 years
• No history of probationary period or misuse of club/senate funds 
• No Deficits in the last 3 years


Yes, but Cash Expenses are processed on the 1st of the month so allow two to three business days for your personal bank to receive your reimbursement into your banking account. You can expect your reimbursements on a monthly basis. Please note: Other club members are not permitted to request reimbursements. 


  • The user agreement form will need to be completed only once per student.  If you have multiple reimbursements throughout the year for the same club, you will log in with the same credentials you established in the beginning and enter your cash expenses for reimbursement
  • If you are the Treasurer for multiple clubs, use your same login credentials and once logged in you will need to change the INDEX NUMBER to the CLUB you need to get reimbursed from

You can find the index/account number on LINC in your Organization page. Scroll to the Finance Tab, and click on the Accounts button on the top. The index number starts with 615- - -.


NO! Wells Fargo and LINC are not Connected or Linked in any way. Everything posted in LINC is entered manually by the Accounts Coordinator.

All new Club Presidents and Treasurers must complete the Financial Responsibility Contract. This contract will be in the club's file for one year. If you are no longer a treasurer for a club, please email and make the Office of Student Involvement aware. Print, Read, Sign and Return back to the Accounts Coordinator Evelynda Santos at 
For the Financial Responsibility Contract, Click Here!

You can contact Evelynda Santos, Coordinator of Student Involvement at evs411@lehigh.