Recognition Policies

Purpose and Philosophy

The fraternity and sorority community at Lehigh University ("Lehigh" or "the University") has a long history and has served as an integral part of the Lehigh student experience. Lehigh has an interest in ensuring that its fraternity and sorority chapters and the fraternity and sorority community as a whole act in accordance with Lehigh's educational mission. This Recognition Policy ("policy") is meant to support that interest and to ensure that the highest level of operation and purpose exist within each fraternity and sorority chapter. 


Recognition is the formal process by which the University grants the ability for a fraternity or sorority to operate as an organization at Lehigh University. This Policy and its requirements apply to any fraternity or sorority chapter regardless of whether they are residential or non-residential, occupying University-owned housing or not, or are located on or off campus. Fraternity or sorority chapters that occupy University-owned housing will have additional obligations, as set forth in the General Provisions for Occupancy and the Lease Agreement. Recognition may be granted, modified, reviewed or withdrawn by the Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, consistent with the provisions of this Policy and other University policies including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct. A fraternity or sorority chapter recognized by the University in accordance with this Policy is referred to as a "Recognized Chapter."

Legal Relationship

This Policy does not alter the legal relationship between the University and the individual fraternity or sorority chapter. Each fraternity or sorority is, and remains, an independent legal entity responsible for its own actions and for meeting its own legal responsibilities and obligations. It is understood that the University does not, by the act of recognition, assume any legal responsibility for the supervision or control of fraternity or sorority activities, but reserves the right to withdraw the privileges conferred by this Policy and to take other actions that are lawful and appropriate. Recognition pursuant to this Policy does not constitute an endorsement by Lehigh of a particular fraternal organization or its activities.

Fraternities and sororities eligible for recognition share the following characteristics:

1. Affiliation with an inter/national fraternity or sorority organization at all times.

2. Participation in self-governance through a governing council (e.g., the Lehigh Cultural Greek Council (CGC), the Lehigh Interfraternity Council (IFC), the Lehigh Panhellenic Council (Panhel)) as defined by Fraternity and Sorority Life (“FSL”).

3. Selectivity in their membership within the limits of the University’s Policy on Harassment and Non-Discrimination.

4. Single-sex fraternal organizations shall be entitled to single-sex membership consistent with regulations promulgated pursuant to Title IX of the U.S. Education Act Amendments of 1972 and such other applicable laws or regulations.

Chapters that have been dissolved or terminated by the University, but continue to exist as an unrecognized organization, or were started without participating in a University-sanctioned expansion/extension process, shall not be eligible for recognition.


There are two levels of recognition for a fraternity or sorority chapter at the University as outlined below:

1. Full Recognition

a. Full recognition indicates that a chapter is entitled to the Benefits of Recognition set forth in this Policy.

2. Probationary Recognition

a. Probationary Recognition is a conditional recognition for a specified period of time during which a chapter is eligible for the Benefits of Recognition set forth in this Policy.

i. This status is granted to organizations entering the University fraternity and sorority community for the first time through expansion/extension, or to groups that are returning to the community after being dissolved or terminated due to conduct or after voluntarily leaving the community for a period of time.

ii. The University may impose additional requirements on such organizations before they may be granted Full Recognition.

iii. Expansion or extension for new fraternity or sorority organizations is at the sole discretion of the University.

Fraternity and sorority chapters at the University are entitled to certain benefits of recognition including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Ability to identify on Lehigh’s website and otherwise as a recognized chapter of the University and use the name “Lehigh University” with their organizational name.
  2. Access to advising opportunities with a professional member of the FSL staff. 
  3. Access to membership in a respective governing council (e.g. the Lehigh Cultural Greek Council (CGC), the Lehigh Interfraternity Council (IFC), the Lehigh Panhellenic Council (Panhel)). 
  4. Opportunity to apply for and occupy University-owned group housing. 
  5. Ability to participate in the University's planned and sanctioned membership solicitation, recruitment, and education programs. 

Additional benefits are set forth in Section 1 of Attachement A, as may be modified from time to time. 

In order to be fully recognized by the University, all fraternity and sorority chapters must agree to abide by the following principles and requirements:

  1. Align with the purpose of fraternity and sorority membership and the expectations of the University fraternity and sorority community. 
  2. Maintain and provide to the University accurate and updated chapter and member information in accordance with the requirements set for in Section 2 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  3. Maintain and provide to the University a recruitment/intake plan for each semester in accordance with the requirements and processes set forth in Section 3 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  4. Maintain and provide to the University a new member education program in accordance with the requirements and processes set forth in Section 4 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  5. Educate all members and adhere to the strict prohibition against the use, distribution, or possession of alcohol at any recruitment, new member education, initiation, or intake of members' event or activity and the prohibition against hazing in any form at any time. 
  6. Maintain insurance coverages required by the University and submit Certificate(s) of Insurance upon request, as more fully detailed in Section 5 of Attachment A. 
  7. Maintain and submit Risk Management plans for chapter sponsored events where alcohol is present. 
  8. Sign and submit to the University the requested policy acknowledgements as set forth in Section 6 of Attachment A, which the University may supplement from time to time. 
  9. Educate all members about, and comply with the Student Code of Conduct, and other applicable University Policies as set forth in Section 6 of Attachment A, an all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 
  10. Prepare for and participate in the annual accreditation process in accordance with the requirements and processes set forth in Section 7 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  11. Meet regularly, weekly or bi-weekly, as determined by the University, with the chapter's designated FSL advisor. Designate an active faculty advisor, staff advisor and alumni advisor in accordance with the requirements and processes as set forth in Section 8 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  12. Strive, through chapter membership, to enhance the academic performance of each member and provide FSL with an academic plan, including goals and programming efforts, on a regular basis and in accordance with the requirements and processes set forth in Section 9 of Attachment A, as may be modified from time to time. 
  13. Maintain a set of expectations, standards and rules of conduct agreed upon by the chapter and its inter/national organization, which shall include sanctions imposed by the chapter and/or the inter/national organization when the expectation, standards and rules are violated. 

The criteria set forth above will be evaluated and enforced by FSL on a semester and annual basis. A Report of Recognition Compliance will be included as an attachment for the annual accreditation process. 

The University may withdraw recognition of a Recognized Chapter for reasons including, but not limited to:

1. Failure to meet any of the principles or requirements set forth in this Policy or in Attachment A, after the Recognized Chapter receives notice, and an opportunity to cure, any deficiencies.
2. Failure to meet community expectations as expressed in the accreditation process.
3. Failure to meet behavioral expectations as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.
a. Recognition will be immediately withdrawn upon the conclusion of any disciplinary process resulting in termination or dissolution of the Recognized Chapter.
Upon withdrawal of recognition, the fraternity or sorority chapter will no longer have access to any of the Benefits of Recognition under this Policy and may have additional limitations imposed by the University.