Our student organizations are an integral and active part of campus life. These groups provide students with a wealth of opportunities to develop and further enhance their leadership skills and interests.

I'm a Student Club Leader that needs Support & Resources

Lehigh University views its students’ involvement in campus activities as an important part of the college experience. These rich, learning experiences shape the individual identities of Lehigh students and the collective Lehigh community. 

Student organizations are one component of the campus involvement experience yet are afforded privileges not available to other involvement opportunities. A student organization is unique because it is given autonomy by the University to be student directed and offer a learning environment grounded in self-governance. These distinct characteristics are also the reason why student organizations are held to a high standard.

  • Student organization leaders and members make decisions and act on behalf of the organization.  As a result, the group and its members are responsible for and receive accolades for their successes. Further they are also responsible for all their actions such as when policies are not followed or plans are not carried out appropriately from start to finish.

  • Student organizations have the ability to express viewpoints that contribute to the educational discourse that takes place in the open market of ideas found on a college campus. Lehigh maintains a neutral stance on the product of a stated message while supporting the process of freedom of expression provided it is within the context of community, respect and civility.

  • Student organizations are autonomous, independent yet recognized members of the University community. Lehigh supports student organizations because of the educational and co-curricular value these entities bring to the table. Through this recognition and as members of the University community student organizations are expected to represent Lehigh in a way that is congruent with the University values.

  • Student organizations that cease to take responsibility for its actions, bring educational or co-curricular value to campus or represent the University in a positive light will be asked to consult with the respective student governing body.

To empower student organizations to operate within these expectations the Office of Student Involvement is prepared to do the following:

  • Empower student leaders to take ownership of their respective organizations. We recognize that student leaders have been elected by their peers to make decisions on behalf of the student organization.

  • Work with student groups to customize programs and events to the extent the office is able and reflects an effective use of our resources.

  • Recognize there is inherent risk in offering excellent, cutting edge campus events. We are mindful of reducing risk when possible, but are also willing to take calculated risks when the educational rewards/benefits are significant for the students involved.

  • Expect students to learn effective decision making, problem solving and event planning skills. To this end, we will guide students to gather the necessary information, consider all options, make decisions in line with their individual and group values, and understand the consequences of decisions.

  • Understand that accountability is important skill for student groups to learn. Student groups are responsible for and receive accolades for their successes. Further they are also held responsible for their actions when policies are not followed or plans are not carried out appropriately from start to finish.

This page includes information on student organization account policies for Student Senate recognized student organizations at Lehigh University. If you have questions about a specific policy please contact the Office of Student Involvement at inose@lehigh.edu or 610-758-6670. 

FAQ Pairs: 

General Policies for Student Organization Accounts

All organizations are responsible for the funds in their club accounts, in particular, the persons holding the offices of President and Treasurer.  Senate funded organizations should base their expenditures on approved events in their budget.  It is important that all organizations spend their funds in the best interests of their members, and in accordance with the University's event policies and financial procedures.  Any violation of the following policies or procedures could result in but not limited to, a hold on all events and transactions, loss of funds, loss of recognition, and a hold on a student's records/transcripts.

  • All organizations are required to keep their funds in an account established by the Office of Student Involvement.  No other bank accounts are permitted.  Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the loss of funds and recognition.

  • All transactions must go through the club account maintained by the Office of Student Involvement. This includes any income for deposit and any expenses requiring payment or reimbursement.   

  • Prior approval from the Office of Student Involvement is required for all expenditures; please provide one to two weeks advance notice for all check payments, purchases, or reimbursements.     

  • Generally the President and Treasurer are the individuals authorized to access funds in your account, however, other officers may be granted permission.  For any other club member who needs to access funds, permission must be given by the President or Treasurer to the Office of Student Involvement.  The Advisor or Faculty/Staff members have no authority to access funds from club accounts on their own.

  • Account balances can be viewed anytime via LINC.  Simply sign into LINC and select the Finance tab to view your account.  Access to LINC Finance for your club may occur by two individuals:  the Primary Contact (typically the Club President) and the Financial Officer (typically the Club Treasurer).   A Student Involvement staff member regularly reviews club transactions and balances, however, the Club Treasurer should also keep track of all financial activity for the club and balance to LINC.    

  • Deficits should not occur in club accounts, a Student Involvement staff member and the club officers work together to prevent deficits.  In the instance a deficit occurs, the Treasurer and/or President must deposit funds to cover the deficit within one week from the time it occurs.  When necessary, funds must be collected from members for deficits.   

  • All club accounts have two types of funds:  Club Funds and Senate Funds. 

  1. Club Funds are received from dues, fundraising, and donations.  Spending the funds allows more flexibility, and the funds carry forward each year. 

  2. Senate Funds are from Senate via a one time allocation at the beginning of the academic year.  Spending the funds requires following Senate Allocations Guidelines, any unused funds are returned to Senate at the end of the academic year.   

  • The Senate Allocations Committee understands that you may need to add new events to your budget that arise during the year.  Therefore, it is possible to substitute new events for those previously budgeted. Depending upon the situation, it may take up to three weeks for approval of the event or expenditure. ADVANCE APPROVAL FROM THE STUDENT SENATE AND/OR A STUDENT INVOLVEMENT STAFF MEMBER IS REQUIRED. Please plan appropriately for a transaction of this nature.

  • General restrictions on funds allocated by the Student Senate are as follows:

  1. No illegal activities, which include gambling or alcohol  

  2. No religious functions

  3. No political functions

  4. No social events

  5. No purchase of prizes or awards

  6. No purchase of personal items (t-shirts, shoes, books)

  7. Organizational meeting food & drink-$100 maximum one meeting each semester  

  8. Hotel room-$125 maximum per room per night, minimum four people per room

  9. Speaker honorarium plus travel expenses-$1000 maximum per speaker   

  10. Advertising in Brown & White or Patriot - $100 maximum per event

  11. For a complete list visit the Student Senate Allocations Committee website.

  • Club funds have less restrictions than Senate funds.  However, Club funds must be raised and spent in compliance with University policies and Pennsylvania State laws. 


All money (cash or checks) received from dues, fundraising, donations, etc., MUST be deposited into your club account.  You may not have a separate bank account for the club. 

To deposit funds to your account please note the following:

  • Deposits can be made Monday-Friday during the business hours of 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

  • To make a deposit fill out a special deposit envelope, these envelopes are available at the Office of Student Involvement, on the 3rd floor of Christmas Saucon in room 333.       

  • Any checks should be made payable to “Lehigh University”  on the memo line add club name.  Checks should not be made payable to a club officer’s name, such as the Treasurer’s name.  Also, do not deposit checks made payable to a charity (ex. American Cancer Society), these checks must be forwarded to the charitable organization.  

Donations Received

You may receive donations from businesses, parents, students or alumni.  Deposit these donations as explained above and clearly label the deposit envelope as “Donation.” 

To acknowledge a gift, it is necessary to have the following information: Donor's name, mailing address, type and amount of gift, purpose of gift.

*Please note that you may accept an unsolicited gift from a donor, however, if you wish to actively campaign for funds from sources outside the University, you must coordinate those efforts with the University Development Office. 

Payment by University Check - To pay a business or person external to Lehigh University

You request a check payment when you need to pay a club expense to a business or person outside of Lehigh University. 

Typical club expenses requiring check payments are:

  • Purchase t-shirts from a vendor

  • Club dues to a national office

  • Conference registration fees                                                                                                      

  • Professional services like a DJ, speaker, performer, or instructor                                                                

  • Banquet Hall rentals                                                                                                                          

To request a check an invoice from the vendor is required, or if payment is for professional services a contract must be supplied.  All contracts are reviewed and signed by the Director/Associate Director for the Office of Student Involvement, students should never sign contracts. 

Processing time for a check is approximately seven to ten (7-10) business days from the date that you submit all required documentation.  Submit invoice or contract to the Office of Student Involvement containing the following information: full name of payee, complete mailing address, tax identification of the business or social security number of the person, description of event and/or expenses, date of event/expenses, amount due.

Reimbursements - Get money back for out of pocket expenses that are pre-approved

Reimbursements are given when an approved expense occurs. Request for reimbursement should be done within 30 days of the receipt date or by the end of final exams for that semester, whichever is sooner. You must provide all receipts to get reimbursed. 

The Reimbursement process is through the Wells Fargo WOEM System. Procedures are as follows: 

  1. Submit a Reimbursement Request Form and User Agreement found on the Office of Student Involvement Website by clicking here. PLEASE follow the instructions when completing the form.  

  2. Click here to watch STUDENT TRAINING VIDEO. An Easy Quick Guide is also available to guide you through the process. 

  3. The DosuSign Student Reimbursement Training Video and other important information can also be found on the Purchasing Services website. The funds will be deposited directly into your Bank/Debit card once all steps of the reimbursement process is completed.  A Student Involvement staff member will deduct the funds manually from your Club account (LINC). PLEASE NOTE: Your personal bank account and the club account (LINC) ARE NOT LINKED IN ANY WAY. 

Special Notes:

  1. Reimbursements are labeled as either Non-Travel or Travel.  The Controller’s Office must also approve Non-Travel expenses over $1,000 and Travel expenses over $2,000.

  2. Reimbursements are given to the person who incurred the expense, which should be the person whose name appears on the receipt.   

  3. Reimbursements cannot be done for expenses for professional services such as a DJ, speaker, performer, or instructor.  These are services that must be paid by a university check; see section on Payment by University check. 

  4. Receipts from establishments serving alcohol must be itemized showing that no alcohol was purchased.

  5. Reimbursements for gas used in personal vehicles for an organization trip is calculated by the miles driven multiplied by the current federal mileage rate.  Gas station receipts are not reimbursed because they are not an accurate calculation.

  6. Travel reimbursements such as airfare, conference registration fees, and other travel expenses cannot be reimbursed until after your trip.

  7. Travel reimbursements for conferences must include a conference agenda and a list of the names of students who attended the conference.  

  8. Travel reimbursements for airfare must include original boarding passes for all flights going and returning, in addition to airfare payment receipts.

Cash Advance - Borrow money from the club account for expenses that are pre-approved

Cash advances are available for certain expenses.  This allows you to borrow money from the club account up front so that you do not tie up your personal funds.  Cash advance amounts are tracked on your Bursar student account and temporarily added to your Bursar balance. Detailed receipts must be provided when settling cash advance. 

Procedures are as follows: 

  1. Visit the Office of Student Involvement, Room 333 in Christmas Saucon to discuss with the Coordinator and complete the Cash Advance form.

  2. Make an appointment with the Bursar's office at Bursar@lehigh.edu and take the signed and approved form to pick up your money the next day (24-48 hours). Take your Lehigh ID with you. 

Settle Cash Advance  

  1. After spending the money, return to the Office of Student Involvement, Room 333 in Christmas Saucon with all receipts and any left over change equal to the original amount of the cash advance and complete a Request for Settlement of Advance form that must be done in the office.  

  2.  Take the settlement form, receipts, any left over change, and Lehigh Student ID to the Bursar’s Office to settle the advance. You don't need a second appointment to settle. The Bursar is open M-F 8:15am-4pm.

Special Notes:

  1. When taking a cash advance for an event, you become personally responsible for this money. If you cannot produce the proper receipts or do not settle the advance within the required time, your Bursar account can and will be billed for the outstanding amount.

  2. Cash advances should be requested with 3 days notice.

  3. Cash advances will be distributed as close to the event date as possible.

  4. Students are permitted to have 1 cash advance at a time.

  5. Cash advances should be settled within 2 weeks after the money is spent and by the person who initially took out the advance.

  6. Advances spent on food at restaurants that serve alcohol must be settled with itemized receipts showing no alcohol was purchased. 

Purchase Orders

Sometimes purchasing items or renting equipment from a vendor outside of the University requires a purchase order or LPO (limited purchase order).  A purchase order is requested by the vendor and is basically a guarantee of payment. A Student Involvement staff member completes the purchase order paperwork and sends it to the vendor before the transaction occurs. The vendor then issues an invoice for payment after receipt of the merchandise/services and once they are determined to be as ordered.

The university allows most types of Limited Purchase Orders up to $2,000.00.  To request a purchase order the following information must be provided to the Office of Student Involvement Coordinator:

  • Club name and account number being charged

  • Vendor name, address, phone number, and fax number

  • Name of the person who quoted you the prices

  • Quantity, description and cost of the items, including any catalog numbers or other information to correctly identify the items

  • Shipping costs

  • Name and address where items will be shipped to

  • Date the merchandise is needed

  • Any other information helpful to placing the order

If the purchase exceeds $2,000.00 please contact the Office of Student Involvement Coordinator for special instructions.  


This page includes information on student organization and group activity policies for Student Senate recognized student organizations as well as other recognized organizations at Lehigh University. If you have questions about a specific policy please contact the Office of Student Involvement at inose@lehigh.edu or 610-758-6670. 

FAQ Pairs: 

Campus Facility Reservations

Many of the spaces on campus are reserved through the Campus Calendar which you can access by going to the Lehigh Homepage and selecting the Campus Facility Reservation link The link can be found on the Inside Lehigh homepage on the left side under the Resources heading below the Campus Portal log-in.

Once you are in the Campus Calendar, you will have the option to click on any of the tabs along the top of the page.  Click on the Instructions tab to access more detailed instructions to navigate through the site.


  • To check availability, select the proper filter and the date you interested in (please keep in mind that there may be other requests pending.)

  • If the location is available, click on the location and time.

  • If the location is unavailable, choose another date, time, or location.

  • For specific room features and details, click on the location name.

  • Reservation time reflects actual event time only (this does not include the operations set up/take down time.

My Requests

  • If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in

  • To log into the system, you will need to use your Lehigh username and password.

Scheduling Offices

  • Classroom requests:  For general questions, or to cancel an event request which was sent to the Registrar’s Office (Classroom Requests), please use inrgs@lehigh.edu.

  • Conference Services requests:  For general questions, email inocs@lehigh.edu.  To cancel an event request which was sent to Conference Services, please email, inocs@lehigh.edu.

  • Rauch Business Center requests:  For general questions or to cancel an event request, please use inrgs@lehigh.edu, or call 610-758-3201.

  • Lamberton requests:  For general questions, call 610-758-0028, or email inucr@lehigh.edu.  To make changes to a confirmed event or to cancel an event, send an email to inucr@lehigh.edu.

  • Student Center requests:  For general questions, call 610-758-4163.  To make changes to a confirmed event or to cancel an event scheduled through Student Center Facilities, please send an email to inucr@lehigh.edu.

Club Recognition

The Lehigh University Student Senate serves as the primary governing body that recognizes clubs and organizations. Benefits of being a Student Senate recognized organization include:

  • Access to resources in the SOuRCe

  • A group page on LINC

  • A booth at the fall and spring club expos

  • Campus Events Advisory Group (CEAG)

  • Event guidance and organizational support from Student Involvement Staff

  • Student Senate's funding (annual funding and the co-sponsorship fund)

In order to be recognized by the Lehigh University Student Senate, clubs must have the following:

  1. A distinct and unique purpose that will in some way further the Lehigh community.

  2. A plan detailing the specific long and short term goals of the club or organization for its involvement and perpetuation on campus.

  3. Completed all requirements of the petition process as stated in the Club and Organization Recognition and Registration Packet.  Information on the complete registration packet can be found on the Office of Student Involvement website.

  4. An Executive Board consisting of at least a President and Treasurer who qualify as two (2) different undergraduate students.

  5. An Advisor who is a full-time member of the faculty or staff of Lehigh University.

The Student Senate may not recognize a club for any of the following reasons:  if the club is not in compliance with Lehigh University policies, if it is not open to all students on campus, or if there is already a club on campus that encompasses the purpose of the inquiring club.

For information on:

  • Student Senate recognized organizations, please contact the Office of Student Involvement at 610-758-6670 or inose@lehigh.edu

  • Social fraternities and sororities, please contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs at x84157 or infrasor@lehigh.edu

  • Sports clubs, please contact the Club Sports Office at x81703

  • Religious and faith based groups, please contact the Chaplains Office at x83877

  • Alumni groups, please contact the Alumni Association at x83135

For general questions, please contact the Office of Student Involvement at 610-758-6670 or inose@lehigh.edu

Contest Guidelines - Guidelines for Game Tournaments

The guidelines listed below are to be followed by all recognized student groups requesting to host an event in a Lehigh University facility.  The University reserves the right to amend or modify the guidelines without notification.

Fees or Buy-Ins

  • A fee cannot be charged to participate in the event.

  • Buy-ins are not permitted!  Money cannot be exchanged in order to participate.


  • Sponsoring group may accept, but not require, donations in the name of a specific charity. If donations are being taken, the sponsoring group should advertise what charity will receive the proceeds.

  • The name of the designated charity must be submitted in advance and verification of payment to the designated charity must be submitted to the Student Center Facilities Center Reservation Desk or the Office of Student Involvement within 30 days following the event.


  • All prizes must be awarded based solely on skill, talent, or knowledge.  Prizes cannot be monetary. Gift cards are acceptable.

  • Money donated for a designated charity may not be used to purchase prizes.

  • An accurate record must be kept of all donations and verified to match money donated to the designated charity.

  • Alcohol, tobacco or any illegal substance cannot be offered as prizes.

  • Prizes to be given away cannot be offensive in any way.

  • Prizes must be donated or purchased from a University account.  All groups will be required to submit a list of prizes for approval.  The list must be submitted at least one week in advance to the office of Student Center Facilities or the Office of Student Involvement.

  • The event cannot be advertised off-campus.  Advertising on-campus cannot be done until approval for the event has been given.

  • If money is being collected, Event/Police security may be required and will be up to the discretion of Lehigh Police.

For further information contact the Student Center Facilities Reservation Desk at x84163 or incur@lehigh.edu, or the Office of Student Involvement at x86670 or inose@lehigh.edu.

Contract Signing Guidelines

Any time a recognized student club or organization wishes to enter into a contractual agreement with a non-Lehigh entity, the organization must contact the Office of Student Involvement at 610-758-86670 or inose@lehigh.edu. A representative from this office will work with your group to ensure the agreement is following Lehigh University contract and liability protocol.  At no point should the student organization or any of its representatives sign an agreement or contract unless directed by the Office of Student Involvement.

Copyright Policy - Showing movies on campus

By law, as well as by intent, the pre-recorded videocassettes and DVDs which are available in stores throughout the United States are for home use only, unless you have a license to show them elsewhere.  Rentals or purchases of the home videocassettes and DVDs do not carry with them licenses for non-home showings.  You must have a separate license that specifically authorizes them for non-home viewing before you can legally engage in non-home showings as described in the Federal Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17 of the United States Code.

Copyright Public Performance Rights Basic Guidelines for Campus Groups states:

It is illegal to conduct a public viewing of a video program, VHS, DVD, etc. without first obtaining the necessary license for the program.  Without obtaining a license, the public viewing becomes a copyright infringement.  Violators can be prosecuted and held liable for any fines, penalties, court costs, and legal fees which can amount to more than $50,000 in fines per infringement.

  • Section 106:  The Copyright Act grants to the copyright owner the exclusive right, among other, “To perform the copyrighted work publicly.”

  • Section 101:  Home videocassettes/DVDs may be shown without a license, in the home of “a normal circle of family and its social acquaintances” because such showings are not “public.”

  • Section 110.1:  Home videocassettes and DVD may be shown, without a license, in certain narrowly defined “face-to-face teaching activities.”

  • A public performance license must be obtained when using a videotape program in any public or private location where the audience extends beyond the scope of a single family and close friends.  Ownership of an individual VHS, DVD, etc. does not give one the right to show it in a public place; it is for home use only.

  • There are no distinctions between profit and non-profit groups.

  • You are not permitted to rent from a local vendor (i.e. Red Box, 48 Hours, etc.) or online sources (i.e. Netflix, etc.) to show the VHS, DVD, etc. in a public area. 

  • Copyright laws apply whether admission is charged or not.

  • The following are examples of public screenings and are illegal unless the public performance rights have been obtained:

Residence Hall lounges

Dining areas

Student Center spaces

Common areas and rooms

Academic spaces, if not determined to be exempt based on educational broadcasting

Fundraising and Solicitation Guidelines

Sales/Fundraising including Student Center Facility Locations

  • Sales and fundraisers may take place in designated sales areas on Lehigh University’s campus.

  • Reservation Information:

    1. A reservation request must be submitted at least three days prior to the first request date.  Information on how to make a reservation is available on the Student Center Facilities website.

    2. Once the request has been received, it will be reviewed for approval. 

    3. After an event has been approved, an email confirmation will be sent to the requestor.

    4. One table will be provided with two chairs, unless otherwise requested.  We ask that the members of your group stay behind the table.

    5. Solicitation of building patrons in the hallways or public areas is not permitted.

  • Door-to-door solicitation for profit in residence halls is prohibited.

  • Charitable fundraisers in residence halls will be approved on a case by case basis by the Assistant Dean of Students for Residence Life.

  • All fundraiser efforts must provide either a service or a product to the donor.  All funds above expenses must be given to a designated charity, club or organization.

  • Advertising of any alcoholic beverages or gambling is prohibited.

  • Alcoholic beverages or gambling related items may not be offered as awards or prizes.

  • T-shirt sales:  Prior approval for the design must be given by the appropriate office within the Dean of Students prior to ordering or purchasing.

  • Raffles:  Pennsylvania state laws prohibit raffles to be held on campus.

  • Chinese and Silent Auctions are permitted as long as it is for a product.  A list of items available must be submitted to the Student Center Facilities Office or the Office of Student Involvement for approval.

  • The playing of music or video at the fundraising table must be approved in advance by the Student Center Facilities Office.

  • The burning of candles, incense or other materials is prohibited.

  • Posters or banners may be taped to the front, side(s), and/or top of the reserved table.  All items must be removed at the conclusion of each day.

  • The area must remain litter free.  Failure to clean up after an event will result in a minimum clean-up fee of $75.

  • Appropriate conduct at all times is required.  The University reserves the right to cancel any reservation if the University Guidelines are not followed.

  • All student vendors selling approved items on an independent basis must understand that they are selling at their own risk with no recourse from the University.  A fee per table space will also be collected.

  • All outside vendors soliciting goods in the University Center and/or Lamberton Hall must submit a Certificate of Insurance. This certificate must name the University as an additional insured, show evidence of Comprehensive General Liability coverage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. Both Premises and Products Liability coverage must be included and the certificate must contain at least a 30-day cancellation notice to the University. A service fee tied to percentage of sales plus a per table space fee will be collected.


Solicitations represent specific asks or requests for contributions in support of activities or programs.  Solicitations may result in gifts of both cash and non-cash items.  Monetary Donations are when an individual/company makes a monetary donation to a student organization.  Non-cash gifts may be received in the form of merchandise or services.  These are referred to as Gifts-in-Kind. Lehigh University will not accept monetary donations or Gifts-in-Kind related to alcohol, establishments where alcohol is sold, and/or gambling.  

When a donation occurs, please contact the Office of Student Involvement at x86670.  Student Involvement staff will work with the student organization to process the gift with the Development and Alumni Relations Offices and issue a receipt (for IRS gift purposes) to the individual/company.  Since the Development and Alumni Relations Office will be mailing a receipt of acknowledgement for the donation, full name of Donor, mailing address and pertinent contact information is required.  Please note, fundraisers that emphasize receiving goods and/or services for monies are not considered solicitations.

Please note that it is fine to accept an unsolicited gift from a donor.  However, if you wish to actively campaign for funds from sources outside the University, you must coordinate those efforts with the Office of Student Involvement, who will work with the Development and Alumni Relations Office.  If the organization fails to do so, the University may be unable to properly acknowledge any resulting donor gifts as tax-deductible contributions.

Participation of non-Lehigh Community Members in Events

Participation in events held by student organizations is generally limited to Lehigh students, faculty and staff. Permission may be granted to an organization that would like to hold an event where participants will be other than members of the Lehigh Community. This requires special steps be taken to insure the safety of all involved. Please see the Director of the Office of Student Involvement for instructions.

Political Activity

Lehigh University, as an institution of higher education, is committed to freedom of inquiry, the open exchange of ideas, and the open pursuit of knowledge.  While the University’s mission and aims are not political, involvement in the examination and rational debate of issues of public policy furthers the University’s educational mission and serves the public interest by encouraging the University community members’ civic engagement.  Furthermore, while members of the University community have a right, and in fact, an obligation as responsible citizens, to become informed participants in our nation’s democratic processes, it is important to know and adhere to legal requirements arising from the University’s tax exempt status.

As a non-profit institution of higher education that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the University is prohibited from “participating in, or intervening in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” 

The Office of the General Counsel provides a “Guide for Ensuring Compliance with Lehigh’s Tax Exempt Status during Political Campaigns” on its website for use by all members of the campus community to ensure compliance with the University’s tax exempt status during political campaigns. The Office of Student Involvement has been designated to assist recognized student organizations in the planning of activities which contain a political focus. 

Posting Policy

Posting Policy 

  • Residence Halls:  The Office of Residence Life oversees the posting of flyers/posters in the residence halls. To learn how to post notices in the residence halls please refer to the Office of Residence Life website.

  • Greek Houses:  The Fraternity and Sorority Life oversees the posting of flyers/posters in the fraternity and sorority house. To learn how to post notices in the fraternity and sorority house please refer to the Office of Student Involvement website. 

Other types of advertising

  • The Lehigh Events Calendar: The events calendar offers a comprehensive listing of Lehigh events, including lectures, conferences, performing arts, exhibitions, athletics, cultural and entertainment activities and more. Learn more about the calendar and how to submit an event.

  • Digital Information Boards (DIBS): DIBs is the Student Center Facilities digital sign system that displays digital images, campus events, cable television, along with Lehigh news feeds on multiple plasma and LCD screens throughout the Student Center Facilities buildings. DIBs can display both still images as well as video.  Information on DIBs can be found on the Student Center Facilities website

  • Lehigh Community Bulletin Board: The Lehigh Community Bulletin Board (formerly the Daily News Digest) is a way for members of the Lehigh community to keep other community members informed of Lehigh events and activities. Learn how to post an announcement.

  • Lehigh University Buses: Advertise to a captive audience on a bus that runs five days a week. To learn more visit Transportation and Parking Services

Programming during RCS or Finals

All functions and/or events must be scheduled on or before the last day of class. No programming will be permitted during RCS or finals.

Student Organization Accounts

Each Student Senate recognized club and organization will have access to a University account for all financial transactions that need to be made. Funds provided by Student Senate as well as any monies raised by the organization need to be deposited into this account. At no time should a club or organization open or maintain a non-Lehigh account. This includes, but is not limited to checking, savings or investment accounts with a bank or investment firm. For further information on your club or organizations account please contact the Office of Student Involvement at 610-758-6670 or inose@lehigh.edu  

Student Organization Events with Alcohol

Serving of Alcoholic Beverages at On-campus Events

The following are the requirements for events with alcoholic beverages to occur on campus:

  • All graduate and undergraduate student organizations wishing to hold an event with alcohol must submit an event planning form and meet with the Campus Event Advisory Group (CEAG) to discuss the event and receive recommendations from the various participating departments that must be implemented. The event planning form submission and CEAG meeting must take place a minimum of six weeks prior to the proposed event date.;

  • The sponsoring student organization will need to fill out a Student Organization Alcohol Service Request Form. Note that the sponsoring student organization is required to read and follow the alcohol guidelines on this form. In addition, the completed form must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the proposed event date.;

  • Once the event has the approval of the CEAG, it will be forwarded to the Vice Provost of Student Affairs for final approval;

  • Events may be held Thursday – Saturday nights on campus;

  • The locations on campus designated to hold these events are the University Center spaces, Wood Dining Room, Lamberton Hall, and Zoellner Arts Center. Depending on the location requested by the student group, the appropriate staff from those areas will be included in the CEAG meeting to discuss the venue requirements with the group;

  • If a group requests to use Wood Dining room, they are required to secure transportation for students to and from the event;

  • Only wine and beer will be served at any event hosted by a student group. No hard alcohol of any kind should be present at one of these events;

  • Hours for events to be held must remain within the current guidelines provided by Conference Services within their contracts;

  • A reasonable amount of food and alternative beverages must be provided at any event in which alcohol is served.  The appropriate quantity and type needed will be determined by Sodexo in conjunction with the CEAG (typically a standard of 1 alcoholic drink per legal age person, per hour of the event will be applied);

  • There must be Event Staff members present at each student event with alcohol regardless of the size of the event. At the discretion of LUPD, police presence may also be required.  The number of Event Staff and number of police officers needed will be at the sole discretion of LUPD;

  • A determination will be made by LUPD, in conjunction with others on the CEAG, as to whether a designated area must be set up in which students can consume alcohol or whether alcohol may be present in the entire event space (with students displaying visible wristbands signifying they are of legal age).  The LUPD will also determine at what location and in what manner students will be carded for the event;

  • Student organizations may propose events that are run as “cash bar” events or events that are run as regular catering events.  Sodexo has sole discretion in setting minimum guarantees on “cash bar” sales and/or on per head or per event catering charges for alcohol.

  • If an event is requested to include a “cash bar”, this event must be proposed 60 days in advance (unless it is in Zoellner Arts Center) because these events also require Sodexo to get the approval of the PA Liquor Control Board.

  • While student organizations can solicit funding from outside sources to supplement the funding for their events, “Lehigh After Dark” funding will NOT be available to groups wishing to hold an event with alcohol regardless of the day/time of the event.

  • Once a group’s event has been approved, the organization will be responsible for designating one member of the event planning team who will be present at the actual event to schedule to attend a TIPS training session before the date of the event.

General Guidelines for Off-Campus Events Involving Alcohol

  • The event must be held at a third-party vendor that has a State of Pennsylvania Liquor License and is able to provide proof of liability insurance.  The responsibility of selling and serving alcoholic beverages shall be assumed by the vendor.  The vendor and/or licensed security agency shall be responsible for checking IDs.

  • All organization members that consume alcoholic beverages must be no less than 21 year of age.

  • Event needs to be approved by the Office of Student Engagement 30 days in advance.  All contractual agreements with the vendor and/or hosting facility must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement.  No student organization or member of the organization shall sign an agreement unless directed otherwise by the Office of Student Involvement.

  • Alcoholic beverages cannot be purchased with University or organizational funds.

  • Alcoholic beverages shall be served at a cash bar on a cash-per-drink basis.

  • Alternative non-alcoholic beverages must be available and hors d’oeuvres or other food must be served.

For information pertaining to on-campus events involving Fraternities and Sororities or the Tailgating policy, please refer to the Lehigh University Social Policy.

Student Organization Officers

The club or organization president must keep current club officers and advisor(s) information up to date on LINC and with the Student Organization Accounts Coordinator. This is necessary to keep you informed of changes in policy, notify you of deadlines, disseminate important information and to inform you of special events taking place in which you may have an interest.


This page includes information on university services and resources for Student Senate recognized student organizations as well as other recognized organizations at Lehigh University. If you have questions about a specific service or resource please contact the office listed under each service or resource. If no contact information is provided please contact the Office of Student Involvement at inose@lehigh.edu or 610-758-6670. 

FAQ Pairs: 


The following are ways for student organizations to advertise on the Lehigh University campus:

  • Flyers: Please refer to the Posting Policies on posting in the University Center, Residence Hall, Greek Houses, Outdoor Bulletin Boards, and other buildings.

  • The Lehigh Events Calendar: The events calendar offers a comprehensive listing of Lehigh events, including lectures, conferences, performing arts, exhibitions, athletics, cultural and entertainment activities and more. Learn more about the calendar and how to submit an event.

  • Digital Information Boards (DIBS): DIBs is the Student Center Facilities digital sign system that displays digital images, campus events, cable television, along with Lehigh news feeds on multiple plasma and LCD screens throughout the Student Center Facilities buildings. DIBs can display both still images as well as video.  Information on DIBs can be found on the Student Center Facilities website. 

  • Lehigh Community Bulletin Board: The Lehigh Community Bulletin Board (formerly the Daily News Digest) is a way for members of the Lehigh community to keep other community members informed of Lehigh events and activities. Learn how to post an announcement.

  • Lehigh University Buses: Advertise to a captive audience on a bus that runs five days a week. To learn more visit Transportation and Parking Services

Air Travel

Refer to Lehigh's Travel Management department for further information. 

Campus Facility (Room) Reservations

As a recognized student club, you have the privilege to utilize space on campus for meetings and events.  If a room reservation is for an event you must submit an Event Planning Form through the recognized student club's LINC page for approval from the Office of Student Involvement, in addition to submitting the Room Reservation.  If the room reservation is simply for a club meeting, you don’t need office approval to reserve the room.

Reserve event space

First, look at the calendar to see that the room is open for the date and time you desire. This doesn't mean it's guaranteed that you'll get the room as there may be reservations ahead of you waiting to be processed.

Next, click on My Requests and enter your Lehigh sign-on and password. When filling out My Requests you'll need to know the abbreviation for the specific campus space you want to reserve, to find this please refer to the Location List. Submit your request and wait for an e-mail confirmation. Depending on the building you're requesting, the request is processed by the appropriate Scheduling Office as follows:

  • Classroom requests:  For general questions, or to cancel an event request which was sent to the Registrar’s Office (Classroom Requests), please use inrgs@lehigh.edu.

  • Conference Services requests:  For general questions, email inocs@lehigh.edu.  To cancel an event request which was sent to Conference Services, please email, inocs@lehigh.edu.

  • Rauch Business Center requests:  For general questions or to cancel an event request, please use inrgs@lehigh.edu, or call 610-758-3201. Please note that rooms in Rauch Business Center must be requested by a Faculty Advisor or Staff Member and cannot be requested by students.

  • Lamberton requests:  For general questions, call 610-758-0028, or email inucr@lehigh.edu.  To make changes to a confirmed event or to cancel an event, send an email to inucr@lehigh.edu.

  • Student Center requests:  For general questions, call 610-758-4163.  To make changes to a confirmed event or to cancel an event scheduled through Student Center Facilities, please send an email to inucr@lehigh.edu.

Campus Facility (Room) Reservations: Reserving Rathbone or Iacocca Halls

Among other things, Conference Services is responsible for managing the Rathbone and Iacocca Hall facilities. These areas are often used for banquets, semi-formals and music events. They may also be used when bringing a speaker on campus or for other types of events. The view from the Tower Room in Iacocca Hall is striking when the skies are clear. Costs associated with the use of the facilities are dependent upon the size and type of event.

If you would like to reserve one of these spaces Reserve event space.

Look at the calendar to see that the room is open for the date and time you desire. This doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed that you’ll get the room as there may be reservations ahead of you waiting to be processed.

Next, click on My Requests and enter your regular Lehigh sign-on and password. When filling out My Requests you’ll need to know the abbreviation for the specific campus space you want to reserve, to find this please refer to the Location List. Submit your request and wait for an e-mail which is a “tentative hold.”

To complete the room reservation with Conference Services you must proceed to their office to fill out a Student Group Event Request Form. Their office is located on the lower side of Rathbone Hall (one level below the dining room) and is accessed via the outside balcony walkway. Their phone number is 610-758-5306.

Visit the Conference Services website for additional information.


If you need food for an event, you must use Dining Services if the event takes place in one of the following venues: Rathbone, UC, Lamberton, Zoellner, Rauch Business, Iacocca/Mountaintop, Ulrich/Grace and other buildings where there is an existing Sodexho operation.

If the event is in a building not listed above, you may bring in your own food or order from Dining Services. Any time you have food you must clean up the entire area or you will be charged by Facilities Services for clean up.

Please visit Catering on the Dining Services website and complete the online order form. You'll need to enter your club account number. The form goes directly to Dining Services and they contact the Student Organization Accounts Coordinator for approval and availability of funds. Clubs receive a 30% discount from Dining Services on food orders and it is deducted on the bill. If you have any questions, contact Dining Services at 610.758.4166.

In addition to placing a catering order, the club must submit an Event Planning Form to the Student Engagement Office for approval of the event.


The EPITOME is Lehigh University's yearbook. For over one hundred years the people, events and organizations that make Lehigh what it is, have been recorded in the EPITOME. The volunteer staff that produces the EPITOME strives to capture every facet of Lehigh life that occurs within an academic year. Every organization is permitted to place a 1/2 page advertisement in the Epitome, it is provided free of charge by Student Senate. You may purchase a larger advertisement with your club funds.

Questions regarding your organization in the Epitome should be directed to inyear@lehigh.edu, or by visiting the Epitome website.

Event Planning Form

The Event Planning Form is a tool available for use by Lehigh student organizations to help in planning campus events and programs. It is submitted through LINC. Student organizations are able to submit the EPF through their group page on LINC by “Creating an Event”.

Student organizations are required to complete this form each time an event (on or off campus) is being planned. An event is defined as any type of activity that takes place other than regularly scheduled organization meetings.

Upon submission of the form a Lehigh staff member from either the Office of Student Engagement or the Office of Student Center Facilities will send a personalized e-mail with tips, suggestions and instructions to aid in planning the event. This response will be sent within five (5) business days.

As organizations begins planning its event the Offices of Student Involvement and Student Center Facilities are available as a resource yet view the student leaders as the ones responsible for making all event arrangements in a timely fashion. It is advised that organizations begin planning at least four weeks ahead of time for on campus events and two weeks for off-campus events (excluding conference travel).

Facilities Services

The Department of Facilities Services can assist your organization by providing equipment such as tables, chairs, extension cords, turning on power outside, turning on water outside, etc.

Charges are assessed for all services and sometimes they are costly. Therefore, you must first get approval from a Student Involvement staff member before requesting any service.

Once you have approval, complete a Facilities Services Work Request Form

You'll need to provide your club account number on the form.

Funding Sources

The following are funding sources available to students and student organizations:

  • The Dean of Students Co-Sponsorship Fund is available to clubs and organizations seeking financial support for their social, cultural, educational, and/or service philanthropic events. 

  • The Lehigh After Dark Activity Fund has been established to provide support for programs that provide undergraduate students with quality social, cultural, intellectual and community development activities that do not focus on alcohol and are open to the entire Lehigh community. Lehigh After Dark activities are offered on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.. 

  • The Student Opportunity Fund is available to individual students pursuing personal, professional, and educational development.

  • Student Senate offers funding to Student Senate recognized organizations through in-year funding and its annual allocations process each spring. More information can be found on the Student Senate Allocations Committee website

Lehigh University Police Department

Some campus events require the reservation of Lehigh Police (LUPD). To determine if Lehigh Police is needed for your event please contact this office at inlpd@lehigh.edu or 610-758-4200

Note that Lehigh Police needs to be reserved within 14 business days of the event to ensure that the proper personnel can be scheduled. Failure to make this reservation within the stated time frame will result in the postponement or cancellation of your event.

In addition, organizations are responsible for the fees charged by LUPD for services provided for events.

Please visit the Lehigh Police (LUPD) website for more information.

Printing Services

It is recommended that clubs requiring copying services for newsletters, posters, flyers, etc. use the Lehigh University Printing Services. There are two locations for your convenience. The Mountaintop Campus, Building J print shop is a full service shop for all of your needs. There is also an extension site located in Rauch Business Center, room 120. What cannot be done at that location will be shipped to building J where the job is processed and delivered back to Rauch.

  1. Contact Printing Services for an estimate. Call Mountaintop Printing at 610.758.3108 or email incopy@lehigh.edu. Call Rauch Copying at 610.758.6363 or email cys5@lehigh.edu.

  2. Go to Printing Services to have job completed. Fill out Printing Services Form (not online) with club account number 615XXX. 

Visit Lehigh Printing Services website for more information. 

If you need to use a vendor outside of Lehigh, please inform a Student Involvement Coordinator for Clubs and Orgs.  

Transportation Services

The University’s Transportation Services Department provides the Lehigh community with the following rental vehicles and services:

  • 7 passenger mini-vans

  • 5 passenger mid-size cars

  • School bus (with driver)

All vehicle rentals (mini-van, car and school bus) must be arranged through the Transportation Services Department by the request of a University employee or department as students are not able to reserve vehicles on their own. Note that there is a charge to rent vehicles and buses. Please refer to the Transportation Services website for current rental rates.

The vehicle reservation process:

  • Notify the Office of Student Involvement that this event or trip is being planned by completing and submitting an Event Planning Form through LINC.

  • The vehicle rental request form is integrated into the Event Planning Form. 

  • A Student Involvement staff member reviews the vehicle rental request in the Event Planning Form and forwards the information to Transportation Services to reserve your vehicle. Staff member will also confirm funds in club/senate account. 

  • The Transportation Services department confirms the rental. 

  • A Student Involvement staff member contacts the student organization confirming the requested vehicle.

Important Information:

  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Make reservations at least a week in advance. Any reservations made with less than 72 hours notice may not be honored.

  • Two registered drivers per vehicle are required for each rental. Three registered drives per vehicle are required for each rental on a long distance trip.

  • Purchasing fuel for University vehicles can only be made with a Transportations Services gas card. Personal purchase of fuel will not be reimbursed by Transportation Services.

  • Qualifications to Operate a University Vehicle

  • Accident and Cancellation policy information

Charter Buses

Charter Bus rentals must be arranged through an outside vendor.  This type of bus rental is costly so clubs must have sufficient funds prior to making a reservation. Notify the Office of Student Engagement that this event or trip is being planned by completing and submitting an Event Planning Form and the integrated vehicle rental request.

  • Club contacts outside bus company to reserve bus.  The following bus companies are commonly used by Lehigh with pricing that may vary:

  1. Bieber              610-435-6691

  2. Easton Coach  610-253-4055

  3. Transbridge     610-868-6001

  • Bus contract/paperwork should be forwarded to and signed by a Student Involvement staff member, students do not sign bus contracts. 

  • Bus invoices should be given to a Student Involvement staff member for payment processing.

Parking Tickets

Tickets received while you are in possession of a rental vehicle are your personal responsibility. If you do not pay the ticket within the stated period of time, it will be passed on to Transportation Services with a penalty and additional fees will be incurred. Ultimately, these costs are your responsibility and, if not paid, will be charged to your Bursar Account.


The sponsorship application process will be re-established for the upcoming 2023-2024 year due to high demand. If you are a registered club/organization that has been established on campus for at least four (4) semesters, builds campus community, and needs additional funding and support to be able to continue doing so, you might consider applying for Sponsored Club/Organization status. Applications may be submitted at the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester through the end of the sixth (6th) week of the semester, or Friday, October 6th. The required application materials are as follows:

1. Proof of sponsorship from a university department or office in the form of a recommendation letter.

2. Official nominations from at least three (3) current Student Senators in a show of support and good faith for the organization's proposal. Senators submitting nominations on behalf of an organization must represent at least three (3) different Senate committees, and must not be directly affiliated with the organization seeking sponsorship status At least one of these letters must be from a committee corresponding with the mission of the club; this correspondence should be explained within the letter.

3. A petition with at least 10% of the current student body expressing support for the organization seeking sponsored status in the form of signatures or other relevant format. The petition must include representation from all undergraduate class years. 


The Student Senate VP of Engagement will review the above application materials. If the materials meet the requirements, the VP of Engagement will request a presentation from the club/organization no more than two weeks after the October 6th application deadline, or by Friday, October 20th. The Student Senate Allocations Committee will be responsible for overseeing financial information, whereas the VP of Engagement committee will oversee student engagement-related topics. Any other committees involved will provide additional feedback as seen fit by the VP of Engagement Committee. The club/organization sponsorship presentation must address the following:

1. An explanation of the organization’s basic operations and its executive board structure, purpose, membership count, and a portfolio of past events or meetings

2. Why the organization feels it embodies the mission of the University

3. Why the organization’s mission and purpose necessitate it to request a status change and what the organization has accomplished to achieve sponsorship status

4. A demonstrated need to attain sponsored student organization status; this should be detailed in both terms of engagement, events, and outreach, as well as financial and budgeting information and history

5. Proof of the organization’s contribution to the student experience through detailing of events within membership as well as outreach to the general student body

6. Proof of adherence to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion and how these principles are integrated into club proceedings


After this presentation, the VP of Engagement will host a meeting with the Allocations Chair, as well as the chair of any other committee involved, to discuss the presentation. Each chair will bring the perspectives of their respective committee as to the information provided in the application materials and presentation. Following this meeting, the VP of Engagement will propose a bill to the rest of Student Senate, detailing the recommendation as to whether or not to grant the organization its desired sponsored status. The full senate will vote on this bill. The VP of Engagement will then let the organization know of the final decision. The organization may be present for the presentation of this bill, however they may be asked to step out during voting or discussion. If approved, the organization may begin to function as a sponsored organization and will be in contact with the Allocations Chair as to providing budgeting information. If denied, the club shall continue operating as a registered club. Another proposal may be submitted, if the organization so chooses, after a period of two (2) semesters or one (1) academic year.


Please direct further questions or concerns to the VP of Engagement at inclubaf@lehigh.edu, or to Brooke Novotnak at brn223@lehigh.edu, Assistant Director for Clubs and Organizations.