Formerly Recognized Chapters

Over the years, some fraternities and sororities have lost their recognition by Lehigh University and/or by their Inter/National Headquarters as official student groups because they failed to comply with university or Inter/National guidelines.

To view a list of formerly recognized chapters from Lehigh University, please click here.

Unrecognized Groups

Fraternities that have lost their recognition by Lehigh University and/or by their Inter/National Headquarters but continue to operate without University recognition, oversight or approval are considered an unrecognized groups. Unrecognized groups are not allowed to reserve or use University space, use Lehigh University's name or image, or represent themselves as an official part of the University community. Additionally, Lehigh University cannot guarantee that unrecognized groups operate with the same diligence to promote student growth and development or abide by University guidelines on recruitment, new member education, academic support, and other areas vital to the successful running of a chapter. There should be great concern regarding the well-being of students that choose to join unrecognized groups.  Several chapters have recently lost university recognition. These groups may continue to operate off campus or underground. 

ChapterYear ClosedReasonClosed by
Chi Psi2024Hazing 
Phi Sigma Kappa2024Hazing & AlcoholLehigh University
Phi Delta Theta2023Alcohol & Risk ManagementLehigh University
Alpha Tau Omega2022Hazing & AlcoholHeadquarters & Lehigh University
Phi Kappa Theta2020Alcohol & Risk ManagementLehigh University
Theta Xi2020Alcohol & Risk ManagementLehigh University


If you have questions regarding any formerly recognized or unrecognized groups, please contact Fraternity and Sorority Life at (610) 758-4157 or by emailing